Four Decades in a Relationship as Close as Family

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  2015 marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of China-Thailand diplomatic relations. Over the past four decades, the two countries had witnessed increasing cooperation and exchanges, and reaped fruitful results. Especially after 2004 when China-ASEAN strategic partnership was established, the cooperation and exchanges between the two sides have been further promoted in politics, economy and culture. And the relation between the two countries could be described as “China and Thailand are as close family”.
  Four Decade’s Fruitful Achievements
  “2015 is the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Thailand, but the friendly relations between the two countries started hundreds of years ago. ‘China and Thailand are as close family’ is the real portrayal of their relations, and their friendship has become an example of good neighborliness”, said Mr. Suchart Liengsaengthong, the Royal Thai Consulate-General in Kunming.
  For years, China and Thailand have set a good example among the ASEAN countries in maintaining their relations, which can be seen from the frequent mutual visits among leaders of both sides. Over the past 40 years, Chinese leaders including Hu Jintao, Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang etc. have ever visited Thailand and were treated with the utmost cordiality. The Thai royal family and its high-level government officials have also repeatedly visited China. The two countries have reached numerous consensuses on how to develop their good neighborly and friendly cooperative relations. We can say that the frequent high-level visits have given impetus for the continuous and in-depth development of the two sides. At the same time, bilateral economic and trade cooperation, pushed forward by the higher-ups of the two countries, has also reached a new level.
  At the very beginning when China and Thailand established diplomatic relations, bilateral trade volume was only $24.62 million. By 2008, the amount reached $42 billion. After 2010 when the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area was established, bilateral economic and trade cooperation has witnessed rapid development. In 2013, bilateral trade between China and Thailand reached $64.44 billion. And China became Thailand’s largest export destination, second largest source of import, and the largest source of tourism, while Thailand the second largest trade partner of China in ASEAN.
  Moreover, cultural cooperation between the two countries flourishes in various fields. As far as education is concerned, there are 30,000 Thai students studying in China, and the number of Chinese students studying in Thailand has also reached 10,000. Starting from 2006, 12 Confucius Institutes and 11 Confucius Classrooms have been set up by the two countries, making educational cooperation the new highlight. In cultural and art exchanges, there are about 10 mutual visits among art troupes each year. Besides, cultural centers are established, which have greatly enhanced bilateral exchanges and cooperation.   The CAEXPO: An Important Platform for Cooperation
  Thai food, ornaments and cosmetics are found everywhere in supermarkets and streets in Guangxi. The success of the 11th CAEXPO makes itself gradually become the best platform for Thailand’s featured products to enter China. More Thai enterprises access to Chinese market with the help of the important cooperation platform -- CAEXPO.
  Vee Rubber, as a natural rubber leader in Thailand, authorized Guangxi Vee Rubber Co., Ltd. as the general agent in China in September, 2013. The product enters Chinese market quickly and is welcomed by Chinese customers. Its purchasing meeting was held during the 11th CAEXPO, attracting hundreds of merchants to sign purchasing contracts. Vee Rubber also has agents in China’s Hainan, Yunnan, Hunan, Guizhou and Xinjiang etc., covering more than 300 million of population. With regards to this, Vitorn Sukanjanapong, President of Vee Rubber Group claims, the CAEXPO brings Chinese and ASEAN enterprises many platforms and business opportunities. By using high-quality Thai Rubber, Vee Rubber is sold well in Europe and America. He shows great confidence in opening up Chinese market.
  In addition, the deepened China-Thailand cooperation also promotes the extension of new cooperation areas, such as technology, electronics and biology etc. In the 11th CAEXPO, Administrative Office of Chinese BeiDou Navigation Satellite System and the Geo-informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (GISTDA) under Thailand’s Ministry of Science and Technology signed a memorandum of understanding to propel a series of pragmatic cooperation in the filed of satellite navigation and accelerate the process of internationalizing BeiDou Navigation Satellite System.
  New Cooperation and New Opportunity
  2015 marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of China-Thailand diplomatic ties, and Thailand will be the 12th CAEXPO Country of Honor. Both China and Thailand will enjoy new opportunities for development.
  Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Commerce of Thailand were delegated by Gen. Thanasak Patimaprakorn, Thai Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister to make the Thailand-themed activities excellent and grand. Thailand recently discussed with relevant departments of CAEXPO that activities like commodity festival, tourism festival, culture festival and education exhibition will be held by the two countries. Thailand is looking forward to the visit by Chinese leaders with their delegation. Thai Prime Minister is expected to attend the 12th CAEXPO.
  Thai enterprises actively participate in the CAEXPO. Since the 4th CAEXPO, Thailand has already occupied an independent pavilion to highlight its competitive products. Negotiation and exchange activities like investment exchange and dialogue meetings were hosted by Thailand so as to achieve project cooperation. As the 12th CAEXPO Country of Honor, Thailand will get to a higher level in scale of commodity display and investment promotion activities.
  As the Chinese old saying goes, “Amity between people holds the key to sound relations between states”, which well demonstrates the foundation of China-Thailand friendly exchanges. On this basis, it is believed that China and Thailand will continue a more brilliant future after working together for forty years.
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