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进行农村税费改革,是党中央、国务院在新的历史时期为从根本上解决农民负担问题、规范农村分配关系而采取的一项重大改革。从2000年3月《中共中央、国务院关于进行农村税费改革试点工作的通知》发布以来,改革试点工作至今已进行了两年。试点实践表明,改革工作进展顺利,取得了明显成效,试点地区的农民负担得到了明显减轻,农村“三乱”现象得到有效遏制,初步规范了农村税费征管,改善并密切了农村干群关系。同时,带动和促进了乡村机构、农村教育等其他农村改革,初步探索了农村义务教育和乡村两级运转必要经费的解决办法。实践证明,中央关于农村税费 Carrying out the reform of taxes and fees in rural areas is a major reform adopted by the Central Party Committee and the State Council in the new historic period to fundamentally solve the problem of peasants’ burden and regulate the distribution of rural areas. Since the release of the “Notice of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Pilot Reform of Rural Taxes and Charges” in March 2000, pilot reform has been conducted for two years now. The pilot practice showed that the reform work proceeded smoothly and achieved remarkable results. The peasants’ burden in the pilot areas was significantly alleviated. The phenomenon of “three chaos” in the rural areas was effectively checked, the tax collection and administration in the rural areas was initially regulated, the rural cadres were improved and closely followed Group relations. At the same time, other rural reforms such as rural institutions and education in rural areas were brought about and promoted. Solutions to compulsory education in rural areas and the necessary funding for the operation of rural areas at two levels were initially explored. Practice has proved that the central government on rural taxes and fees
何税官:你好,我厂是河南新成立的一家生产、安装机电产品的企业。我们将如何办理税务登记手续?请问我们是否属于混合经营、如何依法纳税?请何税官指点。 He tax official: H
一、发生与危害 苗枯病是我国玉米上新发展的一种病害,近年我省玉米上发生较普遍,大田和种子田的春、夏玉米都有,有的还相当严重,群众反映强烈。据1998~1999 年笔者 First,
中毒性僵苗就是稻田土壤中亚铁及硫化氢等还原性物质所造成的僵苗。稻田耕层土色愈蓝说明亚铁含量愈多,毒性愈大;拔出稻苗根系臭鸡蛋味越浓,表明土中硫化氢浓度愈高。 实践
复方薄荷油滴鼻剂的配制,历年来采用溶解法和共熔法,但溶解法配制往往需时较长,而共熔法使制剂常发生浑浊,事后器皿的清洗又费时间。为此,我们作了改进,现介绍如下: Compou
各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市财政厅(局)、地方税务局,新疆生产建设兵团财务局: 为了促进国民经济持续健康发展,推动企业改革的逐步深化,现就企业改单中有关转制重组的
形式的语言或许成为理解这个世界的关键,那些被提炼的关键词都将围绕形式再生。——宋振熙 Formal languages ​​may be the key to understanding the world, and the key
L(-)-苏式-对甲砜基苯基丝氨酸乙酯(2)通过碱水解、酸化得游离酸(6),加硫酸铜、氨水碱化并在45~50℃加热30h,消旋生成 DL-苏式-对甲砜基苯基丝氨酸铜盐(3)而无任何赤式异构体