
来源 :中国经济体制改革 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guoguangyun_09
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绝大多数企业1987年刚刚实行承包,而且取得了较好的经济效益,这是一个必须面对的现实。如果因推进价格改革使承包制推倒重来,将严重挫伤企业积极性,失信于企业,可能造成不利于改革的经济环境与社会环境。因此,进行价格改革必须解决好承包制和价格改革的衔接问题。事实上,承包制为价格改革创造了有利条件。我们对全国1200家企业抽样调查表明,1987年投入品价格连续上涨,承包企业调整基数的只是极少数,企业自负盈亏能力明显提高。而且,承包企业并非将投入品价格上涨全部传递到产出品价格,相当一部分价格 The vast majority of enterprises have just implemented contracting in 1987 and have achieved good economic returns. This is a reality that must be faced. If the contracting system is reinvigorated because of promoting the price reform, it will seriously dampen the enthusiasm of enterprises and lose trust in the enterprises, which may result in economic and social environments unfavorable to the reform. Therefore, the price reform must solve the problem of convergence between the contract system and price reform. In fact, the contract system has created favorable conditions for price reform. Our sample survey of 1,200 enterprises across the country shows that the input prices of commodities in 1987 continued to rise, and only a very small number of contracting enterprises adjusted their baselines. The self-financing ability of enterprises significantly increased. Moreover, the contracting enterprise does not pass all the input price increases to the output prices, a considerable part of the price
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