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倚邦位于云南省西双版纳傣族自治州勐腊县象明乡一座茶山的山脊上,风光秀美,地势险要。古书记载:普洱茶有六大茶山:攸乐、革登、倚邦、莽枝、易武、蛮耑。又有记载说“倚邦易武所产之茶味最好”。倚邦在普洱茶历史中占有重要地位,他是普思府茶马古道上一个十分重要的集镇 Reliance is located in Yunnan Province Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture Mengla Xian Ming Township, a tea mountain ridge, beautiful scenery, terrain. Ancient book records: Pu’er tea has six Dasan: Youle, Geden, lean state, Mang branch, Yi Wu, quite 耑. There are also recorded that “the tea produced by Yi Bang Wu best.” Reliance State occupies an important position in the history of Pu’er tea, he is a very important market town on the Tea Horse Road
出世从太古代到中生代晚期,几十亿年间,古泰山曾经几度沧海桑田,成为海底、山地,复为海底、荒丘、孤岛、丘陵。  距今约一亿多年前,在燕山运动的影响下,开始形成了泰山的雏形。距
Did you know there are roughly over 10,000 DNA damages in a cell per day?Do not be too alarmed though,thanks to various vital DNA repair mechanisms we are able
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目的 :探讨珍牡钙对老年骨质疏松症的临床疗效 ,骨矿密度及血清钙、磷、碱性磷酸酶的影响 ,旨在通过观测寻求防治骨质疏松症的有效药物。方法 :随机分为 2组 ,治疗组 1 0 0例
The effect of ionic liquids(ILs) on the solubility of cellulose was investigated by changing their anions and cations. The structural variation included 11 kind
贡嘎山国家级风景区一田湾河 大熊猫林中悠闲 夹金山风景区雅安市旅游资源丰富 Gongga Mountain Scenic Area A Tianwanwan Giant Panda Forest leisure folder Jinshan Sce
Nanocrystalline diamond coatings were deposited by MPCVD on the spheres used for a ball bearing.The nanocrystalline coatings with a grain size of 50 nm were con