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近十年,嘉定区的园林绿化事业发展较快,据1992年统计,全区城镇人均占有公共绿地已达3.74平方米绿化覆盖率提高到14.03%。特别是1994年,新辟安亭公园一期工程基本完成,嘉定烈士陵园绿地建设初见成效,加上工业开发区、叶城路和安亭大众市政配套的五条市政道路绿化全面展开,全区城镇人均公共绿地可望达到4.0平方米,覆盖率达17%,列上海市区之首,显示出嘉定区园林绿化建设的实力,对改善嘉定城镇的生态环境产生了良好的影响。 In the past ten years, the development of landscaping in Jiading District has been rapid. According to statistics in 1992, the per capita share of public green areas in urban areas reached 3.74 square meters and the green coverage rate increased to 14.03%. In particular, in 1994, the construction of the first phase of the new pavilion park was basically completed, and the construction of the Jiading martyrs’ cemetery green space saw initial success. In addition, the greening of the five municipal roads supported by the industrial development zone, Yecheng Road and Anting’s public municipality was fully carried out. The average per capita public green space in urban areas is expected to reach 4.0 square meters with a coverage rate of 17%, ranking first in the city. This shows that the strength of landscaping construction in Jiading District has exerted a good influence on improving the ecological environment of Jiading Town.
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