经典“六进” 以“读”化人

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泸州市纳溪区地处长江上游,系护国战争转折之地,传统文化源远流长。作为弘扬中华优秀传统文化的一项深水实践,自2011年起,纳溪区在全区范围内广泛开展中华经典诵读进机关、进学校、进企业、进社区、进农村、进家庭“六进”系列活动,20多万名干部群众积极参与,以经典诵读培育和践行社会主义核心价值观。树“廉洁”“为民”风将经典诵读纳入机关党建工作,以“廉洁、为民”为主题,以《大学》《论语》《孟子》《史记》《资治通鉴》为必修内容,通过读、研、听、写、讲、 Located in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, Naxi District of Luzhou City is the turning point for the national war. The traditional culture has a long history. As a deep-water practice of carrying forward the fine traditional Chinese culture, since 2011, Naxi District has conducted extensive training of Chinese classics into the organs, schools, enterprises, communities, rural areas and families in the region Into the “series of activities, more than 200,000 cadres and the masses have taken an active part in the training and practicing the core values ​​of socialism with classic recitation. The theme of ”Integrity“, ”Mencius“, ”Records of the Historian“, ”Zi Zhi Tong“ Kam ”as a compulsory content, through reading, research, listening, writing, speaking,
“楷模”一词,众所周知是“榜样、模范、法式”的意思。从造字方法看,两个字全是形声字。“楷模”的本义与树木有关。 The term “model” is commonly known as “model,
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郝烁园位于苏州新区中心,占地94方平方米。2000年园内新增了“高空弹射,倾目。塔高63米,可供12人同时乘坐 Hao Shuo Park is located in Suzhou New District Center, an ar
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11月5日,丹麦邮政部门发行了一套猛禽邮票,全套共4枚,百值分别为4.50、5.50、6和7丹麦克朗。 On November 5, the Danish postal service issued a set of Raptor stamps in