
来源 :广州医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qwerty_123asd
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为了解广州市中心城区老年人群健康现状,于1998年1~2月对广州市越秀区北京街208例75岁以上(平均年龄80岁)老人采用问卷和体格检查相结合的方法,同时,参照心理社会功能量表(健康评价量表)内容进行了比较全面的调查。结果:208例老人患躯体疾病者345例次,患一种以上疾病的老人122例,占58.7%。其中冠心病95人,占27.5%,高血压64人,占18.5%。居发病率的第一、二位。而心理及社会功能相对正常的老人,仅占12%。说明老人的体能、日常生活功能及健康状况随年龄增长而减退。调查还发现,本组老人普遍存在个人自我保健意识不强,生活方式单调和被动,缺乏心理调节指导等问题。此种情况对保持老年人群良好心态、你能和躯体健康无益。因此,建立适宜的城市初级卫生保健体系,积极做好区域卫生规划,管理好有限的卫生资源,重视城市人口发展态势,加强慢病防治,探索满足老人健康需要的服务模式,做好老年人的卫生保健工作,建立老年人医疗保险制度,发展社区医疗保健事业,培养社区医疗保健骨干等,乃是步入老龄化社会必需解决好的重要课题。 In order to understand the health status of the elderly in Guangzhou’s downtown area, a questionnaire and physical examination were combined with 208 elderly people aged 75 or above (average age 80 years) in Beijing Street, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou from January to February 1998. The contents of the psychosocial function scale (health assessment scale) were investigated comprehensively. RESULTS: There were 345 cases of 208 elderly patients suffering from physical diseases and 122 cases of elderly patients suffering from one or more diseases, accounting for 58.7%. Among them, 95 were coronary heart disease, accounting for 27.5%, and 64 were hypertension, accounting for 18.5%. The first and second place in the incidence rate. The elderly with relatively normal psychological and social functions accounted for only 12%. It shows that the old people’s physical fitness, daily life function and health condition decrease with age. The survey also found that this group of old people generally has problems such as poor personal self-care awareness, monotonous and passive lifestyle, and lack of psychological adjustment guidance. This kind of situation is not good for maintaining the good attitude of the elderly, you can and physical health. Therefore, establish a suitable primary health care system in cities, actively implement regional health planning, manage limited health resources, attach importance to the development of urban population, strengthen the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases, explore service models that meet the health needs of the elderly, and do a good job for the elderly. Health care work, the establishment of an elderly medical insurance system, the development of community health care, and the development of community health care backbones are important topics that must be resolved in the aging society.
目的 了解影响老年人生活质量的 6种疾病的现状与分布特点。 方法 通过随机、整群抽样 ,对北京、上海、广州、成都、西安、沈阳 6大城市城乡的 82 5 2名老年人的 6种疾病
胰岛移植能够纠正IDDM的高血糖并减少糖尿病相关并发症 ,临床广泛应用将造成尸源性胰腺供体严重不足 ,动物来源的胰岛将成为今后胰岛的主要供源。异种移植的最大障碍是移植排
据《文汇报》报道, 近日,“莎士比亚在中国”文献展在上海图书馆揭幕,展出了晚清以来多个版本莎士比亚中文译本、相关研究书籍以及莎剧在中国演出的历史照片等。据史料记载,早在1839年,莎士比亚就以“沙士比阿”的译名出现在林则徐编译的《四洲志》中。1902年,“莎士比亚”这个现今通用译名出现在了梁启超的《饮冰室诗话》中。第一部问世的与莎士比亚故事相关的中文译本是出版于1903年、由无名氏根据英人兰姆姐弟
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