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10月27日,周明甫先生在中国人类学民族学2013年年会闭幕式上提出,学者要更多的关注新时期的民族工作。这是周先生主持中国人类学民族学研究会工作近8年来的切身体会,是针对目前民族研究存在学界与政界沟通不够,学术成果服务实践不够等情况,提出的指导性意见。本刊根据录音整理了此文,未经周明甫先生本人审核。特别刊发,以为呼应。对各位学者谈民族工作,是我们研究会的宗旨所在。我们这个研究会汇集了学界、政界、新闻传播界、企业界方方面面的力量。过去经常听到学者抱怨政府对学者关心不够,尤其对我们劳动的成果不重视,采纳得不多。同时政界又觉得学者说的很 On October 27, Mr. Zhou Mingfu put forward at the closing ceremony of the annual meeting of Chinese anthropology and ethnology 2013, and scholars should pay more attention to the national work in the new period. This is the personal experience that Mr. Zhou conducted in the past eight years during the research work of the Chinese Society of Anthropology and Ethnology and is a guideline for the current situation of ethnic studies in that communication between the academic circles and the political circles is not enough and academic achievements are not enough. According to the recording finishing the article, without Mr. Zhou Mingfu himself review. Special issue, that echo. It is the purpose of our seminar to talk about ethnic work among scholars. Our study will bring together the academic, political, news media, all aspects of business power. In the past, scholars often complained that the government did not pay enough attention to the scholars. In particular, they paid little attention to the results of our work. At the same time, politicians feel that scholars have said so much
Metok in Nyingchi Prefecture was the only county that did not have a road in the past.On October 31st,2013,the Road to Metok was officially opened to the public
阅读是掌握语言知识、打好语言基础、获取信息的重要渠道。阅读能力是大部分大学生今后工作所需要的语言技能。如何有效地提高学生的阅读能力是广大外语教师力求解决的问题 ,
本文利用测定电导率来确定油含盐量。研究了测定条件对结果的影响,将电导法与摩尔法进行了对比,还研究了电导法的精密度。一,前言 This paper uses the determination of co