Effect of purification,dehydration,and coagulation processes on the optical parameters of biological

来源 :中国光学快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luoqh163
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In this study,the effects of purification,dehydration,and coagulation processes on the absorption and reduced scattering coefficients of chicken liver tissues have been investigated by using a single integrating sphere system.The purification process performed on the tissue samples to remove blood residue has been found to cause a slight change in the optical parameters.Although the dehydration process brings about an increase in the absorption coefficient due to the water loss,no direct relationship has been observed between the reduced scattering coefficient and the dehydration level of the tissue.In addition,it has been observed that there was a relatively small increase in the absorption coefficient and a significant increase in the reduced scattering coefficient after the coagulation process.Therefore,it can be said that the optical penetration depth decreased significantly after dehydration and coagulation processes unlike blood purification.Moreover,fluence rate distributions inside the fresh,blood purified,dehydrated,and coagulated tissue models have been investigated by using the Monte Carlo modeling of photon transport in multilayered tissues simulation code.
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