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连云港市商业系统积极探索公有制的多种实现形式,在推进中小企业产权制度改革的进程中,因企制宜推出国有民营、股份制、股份合作制、租赁、兼并、拍卖、破产等多种形式,极大地调动了广大职工的积极性,促进了企业运行机制的转换,盘活了存量资产,扩大了经济总量,提高了经济效益。如今,全系统年销售收入已由几年前的不足10亿元猛增到33亿元,年上交税金突破4000万元。 Lianyungang City Commercial System has actively explored various forms of public ownership. In the process of promoting the reform of the property rights system of SMEs, enterprises should introduce various forms such as state-owned private ownership, shareholding system, joint-stock cooperative system, lease, merger, auction and bankruptcy, Great mobilization of the enthusiasm of the majority of workers, and promote the transformation of enterprise operating mechanism, revitalize the stock of assets, expanding the total economy and improve economic efficiency. Today, the system-wide annual sales revenue soared from less than 1 billion yuan a few years ago to 3.3 billion yuan and the annual tax payment exceeded 40 million yuan.
摘 要:本文通过研究资产评估公允价值与会计公允价值的含义,指出了这二者的相同之处,同时得出了这二者在设定的前提条件、应用的市场条件等方面的不同。  关键词:资产评估,会计,公允价值  2006年,我国颁布了新的会计准则,对原有的会计准则做了新的改革,其中最大的亮点就是公允价值计量属性被广泛的采用。新的会计准则中对公允价值的界定并未清楚,很容易同资产评估中的公允价值的概念相混淆。资产评估领域一直未
《左传·僖公二十三年》记述了晋公子重耳出亡时的一段经历: (公子重耳)过卫,卫文公不礼焉。出于五鹿,乞食于野人。野人与之块。公子怒,欲鞭之。秦牧散文《土地》 “Twenty
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(1) 15~ 18September 2 0 0 3,Istanbul(Turkey) :IndustrialMineralandBuildingStones(IMBS 2 0 0 3)Mainthemes:IndustrialMinerals -Cementindustry ,Ce ra (1) 15-18 Sept. 2 0 0 3, Istanbul (Turkey): Industrial Minera Building Blocks Sons (IMBS 2 0 0 3) Maintheme