Theory and Application of System Integration for Real-Time Monitoring of Core Rock-Fill Dam Filling

来源 :Transactions of Tianjin University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hjy2673237
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The theory and method of system integration for the real-time monitoring of core rock-fill dam filling con- struction quality are studied in this paper. First, the importance analysis of system integration factors is carried out with the analytic hierarchy process. Then, according to the analysis result of integration factors, the conceptual model of system integration is built based on function integration, index integration, technology integration and information integration, the index structure of core rock-fill dam filling construction quality control is constructed and the method of function integration and technology integration is studied. The mathematical model of process monitoring is built according to monitoring objective, process and indexes. Research results have been applied in Nuozhadu core rock-fill dam construction management, realizing system integration through building appropriate monitoring work flow and comprehensive information platform of digital dam. The theory and method of system integration for the real-time monitoring of core rock-fill dam filling con- struction quality are studied in this paper. First, the importance analysis of system integration factors is carried out with the analytic hierarchy process. Then, according to the analysis result of integration factors, the conceptual model of system integration is built on function integration, index integration, technology integration and information integration, the index structure of core rock-fill dam filling construction quality control is constructed and the method of function integration and technology integration is studied. The mathematical model of process monitoring is built according to monitoring objective, process and indexes. Research results have been applied in Nuozhadu core rock-fill dam construction management, realizing system integration through building appropriate monitoring work flow and comprehensive information platform of digital dam.
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