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企业股份制改革是我国建立现代企业制度的重要内容,是当前我国企业面临的一项重要任务。大量企业在股份制改革过程中实现了两权分离,然而由于企业内部存在的不对称信息会造成治理问题。一个突出的问题是在股份制改革前信息不对称并没有突现,在股份制改革过程中也就难以及时被发现。充分认识企业内部不对称信息对公司治理的影响在我国企业股份制改革过程中异常重要。 The reform of joint-stock enterprise system is an important part of establishing modern enterprise system in our country and is an important task for Chinese enterprises. A large number of enterprises have realized the separation of ownership from each other in the process of shareholding reform. However, the problem of governance arises due to the asymmetric information existing inside the enterprise. A prominent problem is that the information asymmetry is not obvious before the shareholding system reform and it is hard to find it in time in the process of the shareholding system reform. It is very important to fully understand the influence of asymmetric information in the corporate governance on the corporate governance reform in our country.
Microwave dielectric measurements over the broad bandwith of 10 MHz to 20 GHz were conducted on com- posites comprising bundles of single-walled carbon nanotube
远文学社是福建省安溪县城厢中学校园文学社团。文学社与城厢中学一同诞生于2011年9月,她以“提高语文素养,放飞文学梦想”为办刊宗旨。创办一年来,在老师们的辛勤指 Yuan W
在作文教学中,我们应该引导学生走进生活,去发现、体验、丰富、感悟生活,从而拓展学生的写作内容,让学生的笔触回归生活,反映生活,最终实现高于生活的目标。 In the composi
英国的春天刚刚到来的时候,一只好奇的小狗在草地里挖出了一只冬眠的榛睡鼠。这只可怜的榛睡鼠在自己的洞穴里睡得正香,突然被吵 When the spring of England arrived, a cu
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