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非常高兴和各位文友见面。我下车伊始,呜里哇啦,不对之处请批评。我们高密市文化建设现在和未来的整体构想,不是一人之力所能完成的,需要上下同心,群策群力。既要有市里领导的大力支持、财政方面的持续保障,又要有组织的落实。必须有一支创作的基本队伍,形成创新的氛围。目前这种散兵游勇的状态,要搞大文化建设,显然是不行的。九五年我全家迁到北京之后,回来得少了,这十几年 Very pleased to meet with friends. I get off at the beginning, woo wow, please comment on the wrong place. The overall conception of the present and future development of our cultural development in Gaomi City can not be accomplished by one person and requires concerted efforts and concerted efforts. We should not only have strong support from the leaders in the cities, but also continue to provide financial support as well as implement them in an organized manner. There must be a creative basic team, creating an innovative atmosphere. At present, this state of casualty and courage is obviously not good for major cultural construction. After my family moved to Beijing in 1995, I came back to China with less than a dozen years
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