An AIEE polyelectrolyte as a light-up fluorescent probe for heparin sensing in full detection range

来源 :Science China(Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chao1028
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Polyelectrolyte PTPEPyH, containing tetraphenylethene (TPE) and pyridinium, was synthesized. Its optical properties were investigated with spectroscopies and the results showed that there were two emission-enhanced stages in the interaction between positive-charged PTPEPyH and negative-charged biomacromolecule heparin. The mechanism was very different due to the reduced non-radiative energy loss and the change of surroundings. The polyelectrolyte PTPEPyH, compared with ChS and HA, also showed high selectivity for heparin in the buffer solution and could be used as a potential bio-probe for heparin quantification in the clinical full range. Polyelectrolyte PTPEPyH, containing tetraphenylethene (TPE) and pyridinium, was synthesized. Its optical properties were investigated with spectroscopies and the results showed that there were two emission-enhanced stages in the interaction between positive-charged PTPEPyH and negative-charged biomacromolecule heparin. The mechanism was very different due to the reduced non-radiative energy loss and the change of surroundings. The polyelectrolyte PTPEPyH, compared with ChS and HA, also showed high selectivity for heparin in the buffer solution and could be used as a potential bio-probe for heparin quantification in the clinical full range.
几何课本第三册第 3 4页 ,有一题目如下 :如图 1 ,在边长为a的正方形ABCD内 ,以A为一个顶点作等边三角形 ,使它的另外两个顶点E、F分别位于BC、CD上 ,求这个等边三角形AEF的边长 (用锐角三角
前置胎盘是妊娠常见而严重的并发症,如处理不当,将危及母儿的生命安全.本文通过对我院1989.1-1991 .6间收治的83例前置胎盘的回顾性分析,就如何把握前置胎盘的期待与终止的最