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1880年6月27日,美国南部的亚拉巴马州塔斯甘比亚镇里,一名婴儿呱呱坠地了,她的名字叫海伦·凯勒。然而,不幸的是,一场高烧,使她完全丧失了视力和听力。从此世界对于她来说,不仅是寂静无声的,而且是漆黑一团,没有任何色彩的。而此时她才刚刚19个月大。命运是多么的残酷。然而,以后的岁月里,她没有向命运之神屈服,6岁的时候,在老师安妮·莎莉文的指导下,她开始了与命运的顽强抗争。安妮·莎莉文老师第一次接触海伦时,送给她一个洋娃娃,并在她的手心里拼写了“DOLL,这个词。海伦十分好奇,便也模仿着老师,在老师的手心里画了起来,几遍之后,就能正确拼写了。慢慢的,海伦才知道,世界上的任何东西,都是有自己的名字的,为此她激动不已。手,便成了她的耳朵、眼睛,通过它的抚摩和感触,她认识、了解世界,并与别人进行沟通,同时,她也掌握了语言这把钥匙。有了一定的语言基础后,1890年,她又在雷勒斯学校校长萨拉·富勒小姐的指导下学习说话。她 On June 27, 1880, a baby was born in the town of Tengabia, Alabama, in the southern United States, her name is Helen Keller. Unfortunately, however, a fever caused her total loss of sight and hearing. From this world for her, not only silent, but also dark, no color. At this point she was just 19 months old. How cruel the fate is. However, in the years that followed, she did not give in to the god of destiny. At the age of six, under the guidance of her teacher Anne Salliven, she began a tenacious fight against destiny. When she first contacted Helen, she gave her a doll and spelled ”DOLL" in her hand. Helen was very curious and imitated the teacher, painting in the teacher’s palm After a few times it was able to spell it correctly, and slowly Helen knew that anything in the world had its own name, and she was so excited that she became her hand, Her eyes, through its touch and touch, she knew, understood the world and communicated with others, and at the same time she also mastered the key of language.With a certain linguistic foundation, she returned to Lereas in 1890 She is under the guidance of Miss Sala La Fuller, headmaster
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