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In the spring of 1999, the Xi'an Tang City Archaeological Team, IA, CASS, excavated the ruined round altar at Tang Chang' an city. The round altar was the ritual building where the emperor sacrificed to Heaven. Lying in the east of the southern suburbs of Tang Chang' an city, it was constructed in the Sui and abandoned at the end of the Tang period. As known from the ruins, it was an open-air building with four tiers of circular platforms, each measuring about 2m in height and having in the periphery 12 flights of ascending steps to symbolize the 12 two-hour periods of the day. The whole altar is constructed of rammed yellow earth and covered with a layer of white plaster. Its excavation furnishes material evidence to the literary records on ceremonies of sacrificing to Heaven in the Tang period and provides firsthand sources for studying the evolution and historical role of the ancient Chinese ritual system.
<正> 据史籍记载,商丘一带是商王朝的发祥地。为探索先商和早商文化的起源和发展,早在60年前,当时的河南古迹研究会李景聃等人曾在商丘一带作过考古调查;以后到70和80年代,中国社会科学院考古研究所、北京大学、河南省考古单位的考古工作者先后在商丘地区进行了多次的调查和发掘。商丘地处历史上所称的黄泛区,自
<正> 我国是世界上最早发明瓷器的国家,考古资料已无疑议地把现代标准的瓷器出现的时间定在东汉,距今1800余年。而欧洲到16世纪末才烧制成软瓷,硬瓷的烧成已是18世纪。实际上我国早在3000多年前的商周时期已能生产器表有釉、胎质烧结坚硬、吸水性弱、扣之有铿锵之声的原始瓷器。商代的原始瓷是目前所知我国、也是世界最早
<正> 同志们:为集思广益、共同推动考古学科建设,中国社会科学院考古研究所召开这次"世纪之交中国考古学精品战略研讨会",邀请各省、市、自治区考古、文物研究机构负责同志,就学术课题和工作经验等有关问题,相
This excavation was carried out in the north of the No. 2 building ruins of the Guigong Palace, which belonged to the rear pavilion complex. The remains revealed include the platform-foundation of the pavilion with the traces of mural columns, as well as
This site lies in the southwest of the eastern Zheng-and-Han city ruins and occupies an area of 22,000 sq m. It was completely excavated in 1996- 1998, which resulted in the discovery of 8 Erligang period, 52 Western Zhou and 731 Eastern Zhou ash-pits, 98
The present report publishes the chronological data of 50 specimens tested by the^14C Laboratory of the Archaeological Science and Techniques Experiment and Research Center, IA, CASS, from March 1999 to March 2000. These specimens come from the following