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中国古典舞是中华民族文化的艺术结晶,在中国舞蹈史上占有极其重要的地位,可堪称为中国舞蹈的代表舞种。《中国古典舞身韵》作为一门独立的舞蹈种类,有其自己的舞蹈模式和特征,这些艺术的特征直接影响着、规范着古典舞的教学与艺术创作,身韵中每一个动作元素都有其特殊的表现性。本文从“潜在的情绪体验”、“舞蹈的表现性特质”、“表现性的具体动作程式”三个方面具体的剖析了冲靠云手在身韵中的表现性。进一步明确了身韵是“神韵”带动形体的艺术特征。使表演者形成“刚健挺拔”、“含蓄柔韧”的气质美,并在在更高的文化层次上体现了中华民族宏扬的“神形兼备”的审美特征。 Chinese classical dance is the crystallization of Chinese culture and occupies an extremely important position in the history of Chinese dance. It can be regarded as the representative dance of Chinese dance. As an independent type of dance, “Chinese classical dance body rhyme” has its own dance patterns and characteristics. The characteristics of these arts have a direct impact on the teaching and artistic creation of classical dance. Every element of the body motion Has its special performance. This article concretely analyzes the expression of relying on cloud hand in body charm from three aspects of “potential emotion experience”, “performance characteristic of dance” and “performance specific action program”. Further clarify the body charm is “charm ” the artistic characteristics of the body. Make the performers form the temperament beauty of “healthy and upright and straight” and “subtle and flexible,” and embody the aesthetic characteristics of “the combination of the divine form and the heart” of the Chinese nation at a higher cultural level.
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最大程度地激发学生的审美情趣和学习兴趣,引领学生通过诗词韵律及内容进入情境,是古诗词教学的难点所在。下面我结合实践谈几点教学尝试。  一、想象入情境  我以前在教《春晓》等古诗词时是这样做的:学生先把古诗读几遍,对该诗有了初步印象后,我再开始解释难懂的字词和句子,把句子的意思抄写在黑板上,让学生对照黑板抄写在书上,最后让学生机械地背诵。这种枯燥乏味的做法,学生不能充分理解诗词的韵味,思维及想象始终
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