Spatial distribution analysis of landslides triggered by the 2013-04-20 Lushan earthquake,China

来源 :Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wanghao7511
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The 2013-04-20 Lushan earthquake(seismic magnitude Ms 7.0 according to the State Seismological Bureau)induced a large number of landslides.In this study,spatial characteristics of landslides are developed by interpreting digital aerial photography data.Seven towns near the epicenter,with an area of about 11.11 km2,were severely affected by the earthquake,and 703 landslides were identified from April 24,2013 aerial photography data over an area of 1.185 km2.About 55.56% of the landslide area was less than 1000 m2,whereas about 3.23 % was more than 10,000 m2.Rock falls and shallow landslides were the most commonly observed types in the study area,and were primarily located in the center of Lushan County.Most landslide areas were widely distributed near river channels and along roads.Five main factors were chosen to study the distribution characteristics of landslides:elevation,slope gradients,fault,geologic unit and river system.The spatial distribution of coseismal landslides is studied statistically using both landslide point density(LPD),defined as the number of landslides(LS Number)per square kilometer,and landslide area density(LAD),interpreted as the percentage of landslides area affected by earthquake.The results show that both LPD and LAD have strong positive correlations with five main factors.Most landslides occurred in the gradient range of 40°-50° and an elevation range of 1.0-1.5 km above sea level.Statistical results also indicate that landslides were mainly formed in soft rocks such as mudstone and sandstone,and concentrated in IX intensity areas. The 2013-04-20 Lushan earthquake (seismic magnitude Ms 7.0 according to the State Seismological Bureau) induced a large number of landslides. In this study, spatial characteristics of landslides are developed by interpreting digital aerial photography data. Provinces near the epicenter, with an area of ​​about 11.11 km2, were severely affected by the earthquake, and 703 landslides were identified from April 24,2013 aerial photography data over an area of ​​1.185 km2.About 55.56% of the landslide area was less than 1000 m2, yet about 3.23% was more than 10,000 m2.Rock falls and shallow landslides were the most commonly observed types in the study area, and were to be located in the center of Lushan County. Most landslide areas were widely distributed near river channels and along the roads. Five main factors were chosen to study the distribution characteristics of landslides: elevation, slope gradients, fault, geologic unit and river system. The spatial distribution of coseismal landslides is studied statistically using both landslide point density (LPD), defined as the number of landslides (LS Number) per square kilometer, and landslide area density (LAD), interpreted as the percentage of landslides area affected by earthquake. The results show that both LPD and LAD have strong positive correlations with five main factors. Most landslides occurred in the gradient range of 40 ° -50 ° and an elevation range of 1.0-1.5 km above sea level. Statistical results also indicate that landslides were mainly formed in soft rocks such as mudstone and sandstone, and concentrated in IX intensity areas.
【摘要】听课是教学管理中非常重要的组成部分,通过听课可以促进教师之间在教学教法上的相互交流,取长补短,达到共同进步的目的。在听课中注意观察学生的表现及时发现教学中存在的问题,并做及时修正和改进,有利于推进教学的稳步发展。教学管理人员通过听课活动可以掌握教师和学生在教学中的动态反应,以此对教学管理作出及时的调整。通过对几种听课记录方式的分析介绍,供教师参考和运用。  【关键词】实录式 叙述式 分类系
【摘要】高校在培育和践行社会主义核心价值观的教育中主要以校园文化建设为特色,本文侧重于课堂教学的过程特色,构建“四真”课堂体现校本化,创新社会主义核心价值体系教育。  【关键词】社会主义核心价值体系教育 校本化特色  【中图分类号】G64【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2015)03-0032-01  高校培育和践行社会主义核心价值观,既是一项理论创新活动,又是一项实践教育活动。
在马拉松界有两位知名人物,他们都写过有关跑步的书,一个是村上春树,他在2008年出版《当我谈论跑步时我在谈论什么》;而早他30年前,美国跑步先驱乔治·希恩已经出版了那本享誉跑界的经典之作——《跑步圣经》。  奇妙的是,跑步都不是这两个人的主业。村上春树是大作家,乔治·希恩则是一位心脏病医学专家。他们都半道出家,村上33岁开始跑步,希恩更晚,他45岁才穿上跑鞋。相同的是,他们都没有再脱下跑鞋。  更