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随着社会的发展和科技的进步,每一个社会人都将处于互联网之中,而且也将会越来越离不开这张“网”。中职学生也不例外,这个阶段的青少年好奇心强,对感兴趣的事物热情有余,但自我管理能力不足,这种情况对于中职院校的学生管理方面的影响是利弊共存。如何趋利避害,充分利用大数据的优势进行学生管理,同时避免学生沉迷于网络游戏、减少不良信息的影响是本文研究的重点。本文通过运用调查法、文献分析法及实地考察的方法分析了中职学生管理现状和存在问题,同时提出了相关的对策建议。 With the development of society and the advancement of science and technology, every social person will be on the Internet, and will also become more and more inseparable from this network. Secondary vocational students are no exception. The adolescent curiosity in this phase is strong, and there is more enthusiasm for things of interest, but the self-management ability is not enough. This situation has the pros and cons of co-existence in the management of students in secondary vocational schools. It is the focus of this paper to study how to reduce profits and avoid disadvantages and how to make full use of the advantages of big data for student management while avoiding the students’ indulging in online games and reducing the influence of bad information. This article analyzes the status quo and existing problems of secondary vocational students’ management by using the methods of investigation, literature analysis and fieldwork, and puts forward relevant countermeasures and suggestions.
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