Calculation of Al Zn diagram from central atoms model

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:happytime3
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A slightly modified central atoms model was proposed. The probabilities of various clusters with the central atoms and their nearest neighboring shells can be calculated neglecting the assumption of the parameter of energy in the central atoms model in proportion to the number of other atoms i (referred with the central atom). A parameter P α is proposed in this model, which equals to reciprocal of activity coefficient of α component, therefore, the new model can be understood easily. By this model, the Al Zn phase diagram and its thermodynamic properties were calculated, the results coincide with the experimental data. A slightly modified central atoms model was proposed. The probabilities of various clusters with the central atoms and their nearest neighboring shells can be calculated neglecting the assumption of the parameter of energy in the central atoms model in proportion to the number of other atoms i ( with the central atom). A parameter P α is proposed in this model, which equals to reciprocal of activity coefficient of α component, therefore, the new model can be understood easily. By this model, the Al Zn phase diagram and its thermodynamic properties were calculated, the results coincide with the experimental data.
本文对47例充血性心力衰竭(CHF)合并室性心律失常(VA)患者采用口服胺碘酮进行治疗,并对其疗效进行探讨,现将结果报告如下。1 对象与方法1.1 病例选择CHF合并VA患者47例,均经常规心电图或动态心电图检
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