Electrical Investigation of Armchair Graphene-Graphdiyne-Graphene Nanoribbons Heterojunctions

来源 :Communications in Theoretical Physics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cxdyc666
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In this study,the structural and electronic properties of armchair graphdiyne nanoribbons,which have different widths are studied using the first principle calculation.The results indicate that all studied AGDYNRs show semiconducting behavior in which the band gap values decrease with the increase of nanoribbons width.The electronic and electrical properties of the graphdiyne sandwiched between two graphene nanoribbons are also investigated.The findings of our study indicate that among 4 investigated n-G-GDY-G-NR structures,the highest current is calculated for n = 3(3-G-GDY-G-NR),due to phase transition. In this study, the structural and electronic properties of armchair graph divyne nanoribbons, which have different widths are studied using the first principle calculation. Results that all studied AGDYNRs show semiconducting behavior in which the band gap values ​​decrease with the increase of nanoribbons width. The electronic and electrical properties of the graphdiyne sandwiched between two graphene nanoribbons are also investigated. The findings of our study that among 4 investigated nG-GDY-G-NR structures, the highest current is calculated for n = 3 (3-G- GDY-G-NR), due to phase transition.
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