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史文彬同志是二七大罢工主要领导人之一。党中央和周恩来总理都找过他,但因环境关系,终未找到。关于史文彬的名字和事迹在一九七九年出版的《辞海》里介绍说他是共产党工人运动领导人之一。山东历城人,一九三二年,曾选为京汉铁路总工会副委员长、委员长,中国共产党六次全国代表大会当选为候补中央委员,于一九三一年被捕英勇就义。在《人民铁道报》一九八三年一月二十八日发表纪念二七大罢工六十周年的文章中,也说他是坚强的无产阶级战士,不幸被捕,英勇就义。经我回忆,后又查阅高青县志和有关资料,我认为上述关于史文彬同志的记载,不少错误,应予纠正。记得一九三八年的秋天,中秋节后,我由河北省南宫县和申伯纯同志(解放后任全国政协秘书长,兼中央文史馆长)因公来山东,由肖华同志派人接我们到乐陵县,后肖华介绍我到邹县地区。因当时抗战的需要,由霍士廉政委及三支队司令马耀南商定借用十区保安司令梁建章的名义在小清河地区成立特务营开展抗日活动,由我担任营长,卓宝南任教导员(解放后任青城县长,惠民师专校长人大代表)。营部设在青城县城东三华里的纸房村。在一九三八年冬天的一个夜晚,卓宝南领了 Comrade Shi Wenbin was one of the major leaders of the 27 March strike. Both the CPC Central Committee and Premier Zhou Enlai had looked for him, but they were not found because of environmental relations. About the name and deeds of Shi Wenbin In “Cihai” published in 1979, he was described as one of the leaders of the Communist Workers’ Movement. Shandong calendar city, in 1932, was elected vice chairman and chairman of the Beijing-Hankou Railway Federation, chairman of the Chinese Communist Party six times elected as an alternate member of the Central Committee, was arrested in 1931 heroic. In an article published in the People’s Railway on January 28, 1983, commemorating the sixtieth anniversary of the 27 March strike, he also said that he was a strong proletarian warrior and was unfortunately arrested and heroic. After my recollection and later access to the records of Gaoqing County and related materials, I think the above-mentioned account of Comrade Shi Wenbin made a lot of mistakes and should be rectified. I remember the fall of 1938, after the Mid-Autumn Festival, I was led by Comrade Xiao Hua from Nangong County in Hebei Province and Comrade Shen Boyun (secretary-general of the CPPCC after the liberation and director of the Central Literature and History Commission) to Shandong Leling County, Xiao Hua introduced me to the Zouxian area. Due to the needs of the anti-Japanese war, the Political Consultative Committee of Ho Chi Minh and Commander-in-Chief Ma Yaonan of the three detachments agreed to set up a special anti-Japanese campaign in the Xiaoqinghe area under the name of Liang Jianzhang, a ten-district security commander. As the battalion commander, Qingcheng County, Huimin Teachers College principal deputies). Battalion located in Qingcheng County, east of the village of three paper. On the night of the winter of 1938, Choe Po-an took over
日本关东军拟定的入侵东北的时间为1931年9月28日。为什么会提前发动这一事件? 中国的东北地区,被日本帝国主义者认为是他们的生命线,它对日本“帝国的国防和国民的经济生活
11.6.1 优点在园形或椭园形的构造物中没有支撑工程时也可施工,它具有很大的优点。所以,当由于一度做了周边的墙在其中进行掘削时,地上、地下几乎可以同时施工。能够配置成
[试题21]参考答案下面几种分析中,打“∨”号者都是正确的答案。 (1)由于沿板厚方向产生了温度差,钢板的表面与底面横向收缩不同,产生向上凸的变形, ∨(2)由于沿板厚方向产