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虽然我们有幸生活在信息爆炸时代,但普遍感到比生活在后工业时代要累得多。许多人好不容易刚弄明白互联网是怎么回事时,宽带、无线互联、蓝牙等新技术又铺天盖地涌来。对普通人来说,要想明白每项新技术,跟得上时代的发展,的确要付出比前人多得多的努力才行。在上述三项新技术中,对百姓生活影响最大的要数宽带网了。经常有消息:宽带技术进某某新建小区。某某IT公司致力于开发宽带应用技术。但宽带究竟会给我们生活带来哪些变化,对许多人来说不见得讲得明白。简单地说,宽带网可以把目前的网络传输速度提高几十至几百倍,能彻底解决长期制约中国互联网发展的带宽不足、上网速度慢等问题。宽带互联网技术的核心就是利用带宽的增加提高信息的获取能力,把我们日常生活的更多方面转移到网上,通过网络便捷地实现,以此来创造更大的价值。提升网速是宽带技术的核心,而内容和服务是实现宽带价值的根本。宽带的内容要求将比窄带更加优质和迅速。这不光体现在文字、图象、音频、视频传输服务方面,还体现在交互性服务方面。宽带建成后,内容提供商的价值将得到大幅度提升。国内一些知名传统网站已意识到这一点,开始以高质量内容对宽带时代进行初步尝试。宽带到底有什么好处?它带给用户的并不只是快速? Although we are fortunate enough to live in the information explosion era, we generally feel that we are much more tired than we were living in the post-industrial era. When many people find it hard to figure out what the Internet is going on, new technologies such as broadband, wireless Internet and Bluetooth are pouring into the sky. To ordinary people, it is indeed necessary to pay much more hard work than their predecessors to understand each new technology and keep pace with the development of the times. Among the three new technologies mentioned above, the broadband network has the largest impact on people’s lives. Often there is news: broadband technology into a certain new district. A certain IT company is committed to developing broadband applications. But what changes will broadband bring to our life will not necessarily be understood by many people. Simply put, broadband network can increase the current network transmission speed of dozens to hundreds of times, can completely solve the long-term constraints of the development of China’s Internet bandwidth shortage, slow Internet access and other issues. At the heart of broadband Internet technology is the increased use of bandwidth to increase access to information, the transfer of more aspects of our daily lives to the Internet, and the ease with which it can be implemented over the Internet to create greater value. Increasing network speed is the core of broadband technology, while content and service are fundamental to achieving broadband value. Broadband content requirements will be even better and faster than narrowband. This is not only reflected in the text, images, audio and video transmission services, but also reflected in the interactive services. After the completion of broadband, the value of content providers will be greatly improved. Some well-known domestic traditional websites have realized this and started to make preliminary attempts to broadband era with high-quality content. What are the benefits of broadband in the end? It brings users not only fast?
2001年第7期《电视研究》发表中国社科院新闻所闵大洪撰《电视传播新形态——互动电视》一文。文中指出: 互动电视的概念,就是网络+电视的新形态。互动电视至少有以下特点:
一、背景与目的  唇腭裂是最常见的先天性畸形之一,它对患者、家庭以及社会都带来了沉重的创伤,目前唇腭裂的发病机制尚未明确。基于本课题组前期通过microRNA芯片技术,我们筛
为大力推广锚喷支护新技术,我们于1974年底和十五冶金建设公司、江苏海门电机厂、江苏冶山铁矿等单位合作,开展了 ZHP-2型转盘式混凝土喷射机的研制。经在十五冶金建设公司
我们试制了一台对焊接钎机。利用闪光对焊工艺将断钎经过闪光对焊后重新用于硬岩凿岩,其效果很好,为国家节约大量优质钢材。 1.闪光对焊工作原理和过程:利用强电流通过被焊