CO Selective Oxidation in Hydrogen-Rich Gas over Copper-Series Catalysts

来源 :Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lovepengchen
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The performances of CO selective oxidation in hydrogen-rich gas over four catalytic systems of CuO/ZrO2, CuO/MnO2, CuO/CoO and CuO/CeO2 were compared. The reducibility of these catalysts and the effect of CuO and CeO2 molar ratio of CuO/CeO2 catalysts on the activity of selective CO oxidation are investigated by XRD and TPR methods. The results show that the catalysts with the exception of CuO/ZrO2 have the interactions between CuO and CoO, CeO2 or MnO2, which result in a decrease in the reduction temperature. Among the catalysts studied, CuO/ZrO2 catalyst shows the lowest catalytic activity while CuO/CeO2 catalyst exhibits the best catalytic performance. The CuO(10%)/CeO2 catalyst attains the highest CO conversion and selectivity at 140 and 160 ℃. The addition of 9% H2O in the reactant feed decreases the activity of CuO/CeO2 catalyst but increases its CO selectivity. The performances of CO selective oxidation in hydrogen-rich gas over four catalytic systems of CuO / ZrO2, CuO / MnO2, CuO / CoO and CuO / CeO2 were compared. The reducibility of these catalysts and the effect of CuO and CeO2 molar ratio of CuO / CeO2 catalysts on the activity of selective CO oxidation are investigated by XRD and TPR methods. The results show that the catalysts with the exception of CuO / ZrO2 have the interactions between CuO and CoO, CeO2 or MnO2, which results in a decrease in the CuO / ZrO2 catalyst exhibits the lowest catalytic activity while CuO / ZrO2 catalyst exhibits the best catalytic activity of CuO / ZrO2 catalyst exhibits the best catalytic activity. The addition of 9% H2O in the reactant feed decreases the activity of CuO / CeO2 catalyst but increases its CO selectivity.
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