Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica Instructions to Authors

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Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica (ABBS) is a scientific journal publishing monthly research papers, short communications and minireviews in biochemistry, molecular biology and biophysics. Research papers and short communications should report original work not published or considered for publication elsewhere. Minireviews should provide a concise introduction to the subject matter to inform the readers of the latest developments in a certain area. Submission of manuscripts Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica (ABBS) is a scientific journal publishing monthly research papers, short communications and minireviews in biochemistry, molecular biology and biophysics. Research papers and short communications should report original work not published or considered for publication elsewhere. Minireviews should provide a concise introduction to the subject matter to inform the readers of the latest developments in a certain area. Submission of manuscripts
从近几年来,中药液体制剂和中药固体制剂的稳定性方面的研究结论加以概述,可供有关读者参考。 In recent years, the research findings on the stability of traditional C
本文实验结果显示去甲斑蝥酸钠具有升高小鼠白细胞的作用,同时还可促使更多的骨髓造血干细胞进入细胞周期;文中讨论了这种作用的可能机理及其临床意义。 The experimental r
1 前 言  国内化工、电力、冶金、水泥等行业中 ,均采用球磨机的加工方式来磨煤粉或原料。当球磨机运转时 ,原料和钢球撞击筒壁 ,发出达 1 1 0~1 1 8d BA的噪声 ;另外还有
穿山甲(Manis pentadactyla Linnaeus)为鲮鲤科穿山甲的鳞甲,有活血、下乳、消肿、排脓、抗癌功用,其化学成分未见报道。经预试,它含有挥发油、氨基酸、水溶性生物碱等。今
本文着重介绍了国内外对牛黄及其成分的药理研究概况,并略述临床应用。 This article focuses on the overview of pharmacological research on bezoar and its components
从分子水平研究中药作用机理,使中药药理研究更加深入,是中药药理研究的新发展。本文综述了这方面研究的概况。 一、活血化淤: 活血化淤药能治疗多种疾病,取得“异病同治”