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   We have all heard it: these are 1)supposedly the best years of our lives.
   But are these years really the best years we will ever live? Or will we look back on these years with a sense of regret?
   The best way to 2)ensure we graduate high school regretfree is to step outside the bubble we live in and to step outside of the classrooms we are trapped in. Gaining a sense of the greater picture—of how these years 3)affect our future—will ground us in the decisions we make during these years. When we graduate, what will we wish we had done differently?
   When we base our thinking on this idea, suddenly our understanding will be a little bit better. But more than that, we will ensure that we can look back with a 4)positive feeling.
   Of course, it is always difficult to be completely regretfree just by thinking about what we will regret in the future. Fortunately, here is a list of how to prevent some of the most 5)common regrets:
   Listen to the6) cliche advice of joining clubs …but do not join too many.
   High school is all about 7)absorbing every 8)opportunity you have. Join clubs. Be 9)involved. Be proud of the school you attend. Take a stand against 10)injustice, learn new things, and meet new people.
   But do not 11)go overboard. If you are in every single club your school offers—or close to that—you will never find what you are really 12)passionate about.
   Get to know every single person in your class. Do not set limits on Who You can be friends with, and do not13) judge people.
   I 14)guarantee one of your biggest regrets could be going to a class reunion, speaking with someone, and thinking to yourself, “Who are they?” (even after they have 15)introduced themselves). Sure, there are a ton of people in high school. But each person has a 16)unique story and 17)personality that is worth getting to know. It is impossible to know who you could end up being friends with, so do not take the risk of missing out on a great friendship. Get to know everyone.
   Get to know your teachers.
   Teachers would not come to school unless they wanted to teach you and help you. So no matter how crazy they may seem, get to know them. They will teach you more than you could ever expect. And if you think you will never regret not getting to know your teachers, wait until you are a 18)senior and can’t find a teacher to write you a good letter of 19)recommendation for college.
   Have fun, but not too much fun. stay true toyourself.    You will probably regret spending every Friday night at home alone (unless that’s just your personality), so go out there and have some fun. But don’t have too much fun, and you don’t have to 20)engage in 21)illegal activities to have fun either. And do not think about how you will regret your decision to not drink or 22)partake in other illegal activities—because you will not. Stay true to who you are and the 23)ideals you live by. Do not change who you are just for the 24)approval of others.
   If you want to be the high school superstar that has a perfect 25)academic record, is the star of the sport’s team, has the greatest social life, and is 26)president of 27)student council—you are not going to get any sleep. And in return, you will probably not have much fun either. It is impossible to do everything and be perfect at everything and get sleep at the same time. Choose what is most important to you, and do not stress out about everything else. Make sure your academics are most important, but do not go overboard. Maintain a proper balance. If you are getting less than six hours of sleep, you need to realize that you are going to regret being tired every day of your life more than you will regret getting a 95 instead of a 100 on a test.
   Go to school events.
   Do not miss out on Friday night football games. Don’t forget to 28)hang out with your friends. And don’t get too caught up in the stress of high school to forget that this is your chance to get involved—and the chance to make these the greatest years of your life.
   老师们到学校来是为了向你传授知识,并给你提供帮助。所以,不管他们看起来有多疯狂,你都应该去认识他们,他们教给你的东西绝对是你意想不到的。如果你觉得不去认识你的老师也永远不会后悔,那么等你到了高中最后一年,找不到老师为你写申请大学的推荐信时,你就知道后悔了。    要玩,但是不要玩的太放肆,要保持真我本色。
   1) supposedly
内容提要 海德格尔力图从亚里士多德的《物理学》中为形而上学寻求其原始根据,以便由这一根据出发来“克服”传统形而上学,并开辟一条另类的存在论之路。为此他分析了亚里士多德的Φυσιζ一词在希腊文中的原始含义以及与其他一系列关键词汇的关系,排除了历来对亚里士多德自然观的目的论解释,而通过重新翻译强行引入了他自己的有关存在的遮蔽和解蔽的真理观。这些翻译和解释立足于他的先入之见,在文本上具有很大的牵强附会和
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Let us try to be polite,  In everything we do.  Remember always to say “Pleased”,  And don’t forget “Thank you”.  做事不分巨和細,  讲究礼貌要注意。  时时记住“劳您驾”,  不要忘了“谢谢你”。
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1  读小学四年级时,我代表学校参加市里的写作比赛。进入决赛后,有一个现场答辩环节,其中的一道题目是“描述一下自己的母亲”。我几乎是脱口而出:“母亲最与众不同的就是她的味道。”记忆中,别人的母亲衣袖间总是有一股淡淡的郁美净或洗发水的香气,而我的母亲身上带着的却是一股浓浓的中药味。她是一名中医,每天和药材相处的时间都在两位数以上,熬到最后,自己也变成了一味替病人治心的草药。  回程的大巴车上,一起参
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我复读了,在过完8岁的那个暑假。  复读的这所学校我再熟悉不过了。进入校门,是两排整齐的杨树,每年10月份,就变成一边绿一边黄,伴着纷纷扬扬的落叶,这是一年中最美的季节。旁边是怡园,那有一条狭长曲折又破落的小廊,顶上挂着零落的野葡萄串。廊子外面是一排雕像,这算是个少有人来的地方,雕像上已经落满了灰,又长满了藤蔓。不远处立着一座凉亭,经久没有人迹,依稀还可辨别出这儿曾有过一条沟渠。实训楼背面有一片桑
内容提要 2007年颁布实施的《物权法》,扩大了担保财产范围,增强了对债权人担保物权的保护,是担保物权制度的一次重要改革。本文运用双重差分模型,以2000-2016年A股上市公司为样本,研究了以《物权法》实施为标志的担保物权制度改革如何影响企业创新。研究发现:相较于对债务资本依赖度较低的公司,担保物权制度改革显著提高了对债务资本依赖度较高公司的创新水平;非国有企业产权性质与产品市场竞争度对上述结果