
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wulizhu11
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Objective: Bacterial vaginosis is a common infectious disorder. Although known since ancient times, little progress has occurred in identifying causal factors . Our aims were to study the bacterial community structure and the spatial organ ization of microbiota on the epithelial surfaces of vaginal biopsy specimens. ME THODS:We investigated the composition and spatial organization of bacteria assoc iated with the vaginal epithelium in biopsy specimens from 20 patients with bact erial vaginosis and 40 normal premenopausal and postmenopausal controls using a broad range of fluorescent bacterial group-specific rRNA-targeted oligonucleot ide probes. RESULTS: Bacterial vaginosis was associated with greater occurrence and higher concentrations of a variety of bacterial groups. However, only Gardne rella vaginalis developed a characteristic adherent biofilm that was specific fo r bacterial vaginosis. CONCLUSION: A biofilm comprised of confluent G vaginalis with other bacterial groups incorporated in the adherent layer is a prominent fe ature of bacterial vaginosis. As known as ancient times, little progress has occurred in identifying causal factors. Our aims were to study the bacterial community structure and the spatial organization ization of microbiota on the epithelial surfaces of vaginal biopsy specimens. ME THODS: We investigated the composition and spatial organization of bacteria assocated with the vaginal epithelium in biopsy specimens from 20 patients with bact erial vaginosis and 40 normal premenopausal and postmenopausal controls using a broad range of fluorescent bacterial group-specific rRNA-targeted oligonucleot ide probes. RESULTS: Bacterial vaginosis was associated with greater occurrence and higher concentrations of a variety of bacterial groups. However, only Gardne rella vaginalis developed a characteristic adherent biofilm that was specific fo r bacterial vaginosis. CONCLUSION: A biofilm comprised of confluent G vaginalis with other bacterial groups incorpor ated in the adherent layer is a prominent fe ature of bacterial vaginosis.
患者32岁,G3P1妊娠34+3周.平素月经规律,孕期未行产前保健.孕32周开始出现腰背部疼痛,双下肢浮肿.34周出现头晕、头痛、视物模糊,伴恶心,未诊治.3 d后睡眠中突然出现四肢抽搐、持续1 min,5 min后清醒.送石景山医院,血压180/100 mm Hg,诊断:产前子癎.给予安定10 mg静推,硫酸镁5 g静注,硫酸镁7.5 g静滴维持.急送我院,血压162/129 mm Hg,神清,
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