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  ●Theme: travel and transport
  ●Teaching Aims
  By the end of this lesson, students (Ss) will be able to:
  1. To learn and master the new words and expressions about holiday journeys.
  2. To understand conversations about Betty’s journey and develop listening skills, such as predicting, listening for gist, listening for specific information.
  3. To be able to ask and answer wh-questions of past tense.
  4. To improve speaking ability by talking about one’s holiday journey.
  5. To know LA’s culture, and love life and be positive.
  6. To raise students’ interest to use English in classroom and get to know more knowledge about a holiday journey in English.
  ●Teaching Methods: Interactive approach and situational approach.
  ●Teaching Procedures:
  Stage 1: Warming up (3 mins)
  1.T (teacher) guides Ss to talk about their last winter/summer holiday journey with a question: Where did you go last holiday?
  2.T guides Ss to work in pairs to ask “where are they going on holiday?”.
  Aim: to activate Ss’s schemata and arouse Ss’ interest.
  Stage 2: Pre-listening (10 mins)
  1.T guides Ss to guess where T will go with questions. Then T plays a video about Los Angeles to guide Ss to infer the place.
  2.T will show the map of LA and guides Ss to find out the places on the map – Activity1. T will also present some pictures of the LA (e.g., Disneyland, Hollywood, etc.) in order to help Ss know the culture.
  3.Ss listen to the tape and number the places.
  4.T presents a photo and introduces the background of the listening dialogue. (T: Our friends Tony and Betty also want to go traveling this holiday. Where are they going?) Then T guides Ss to predict the main idea.
  Aim: Ss will be familiar with these places and be prepare with what they’re going to listen.
  Stage 3: While-listening (15 mins)
  1.T guides Ss to listen to the activity 2’s dialogue to check their prediction. While listening, Ss need to finish multiple choice:
  (1)Where is Tony going on holiday?  A. London; B. LA; C. Paris
  (2)Where is Betty going on holiday?  A. London; B. LA; C. Paris
  T presents three landmark building (London Eye; Hollywood; Eiffel Tower) pictures to present three places (London, LA, and Paris) to help Ss to get the right answers.
  2.T let Ss listen to the dialogue for the second time to finish the multiple choice and blank filling.   a.multiple choice:
  (1)When did Betty go to Los Angeles?
  A.Two years ago.  B. Four years ago.  C. Three years ago.
  (2)How did Betty go to Los Angeles?
  A.By car.  B. By train.  C. By plane.
  (3)How long did it take to get to Los Angeles?
  A.Nine hours.  B. Five hours.  C. Ten hours.
  (4)Who was with Betty?
  A.Her mum.  B. Her dad.  C. Her mum and dad.  D. Her friends.
  b.blank filling:
  If Ss cannot complete all the tasks in a time, T will let them listen to the dialogue again.
  Aim: Ss will listen for gist and listen for specific information and listen for detail information.
  Stage 4: Post-listening (15 mins)
  1.Ss will listen and read the dialogue. They will try to imitate the pronunciation and intonation. And then they will read in roles.
  2.T guides Ss to retell the Betty’s journey with table. And then T summarizes the main point.
  3.T guides Ss to work in pairs to talk about the students’ own holiday journey. Ss will ask and answer about the holiday with the summarized points.
  Useful sentences: Where did … go?/ When did … go there?/ How did … get there?/ How long did … stay there? Who was with…? What did … do?
  Aim: T provides real-life situation for oral communicative meaningful practice by using the target language.
  Stage 5: Summary and Homework (2 mins)
  1.T guides Ss to summarize the key sentences.
  Where did you go last holiday?
  When did you go?
  Who was with you?
一、教材分析  《剪羊毛》这首歌曲是一首在澳大利亚广为流传的民歌。歌词以生动的语言,形象的比喻描绘了剪羊毛这一劳动情景。以“白云”“冬雪“丝绵”“皮袄”来形容了工人们剪下来的羊毛,富于想像,很有童趣;歌曲为2/4拍子、大调式、二段体结构。第1乐句中前三句乐段的节奏基本一致,附点八分音符贯穿其中,句未都以X.X|X0这一节奏收尾,第四乐句从高音"2"的附点节奏开始,连续级进下行到“1”,表达了对劳动
一、教材分析与处理  本课程《中华茶艺》选用的是中等职业学校酒店服务与管理类规划教材。茶艺即泡茶的技艺和品茶的艺术,通过本课程的学习,可以净化心灵、美化生活、善化社会、文化世界。  本课教学内容选自单元八《茉莉花茶的品饮与鉴赏》中的任务二《茉莉花茶的冲泡》这部分内容。通过本节课的学习,学生既可以对茉莉花茶基础知识进一步巩固和深化,又可以在冲泡与品饮过程中获得美的享受和身心的陶冶,更重要的是感悟茶文
摘要:随班就读是指特殊儿童在普通教育机构中和普通儿童一起接受教育的一种教育形式。以全纳教育理念来看,每个儿童都有受教育的基本权利,对随班就读的学生除了按普通教育的基本要求教育外,还要针对随读生的特殊要求提供有针对性的特殊教育和服务,同时,每个儿童都有其独特的个性、兴趣、爱好和学习的需要。因为随班就读学生的“与众不同”,所以其心理健康教育就显得尤为重要。  关键词:初中阶段 随班就读学生 心理健康教
怎样才算一堂好的语文课?不同的时期,评价的标准不尽相同。从当前语文教学改革的发展趋势看,一堂好课的质量衡量主要有三个方面:  一、语言训练落到实处  语文课的特有任务是进行理解和运用祖国语言文字的训练。培养学生初步的听说读写能力。衡量一堂语文课质量的高低,首先得看语言文字的训练是不是落到实处,换句话说,看看通过这一堂課,学生的语文能力是不是在你原有基础上有所发展,要做到这一点,一节课的语言文字训练
对语文教学而言,作文的指导无疑是个难点。对学生而言,作文就是让他们感到畏惧的源头。每到作文课,教师抱着作文本走进教室便传来非常不情愿或不耐烦的声音:“又要写作文了!”一篇作文布置下去,好多同学都在那儿搔头摸耳,不知如何下笔。  《语文课程标准》指出:“作文教学是使学生能具体明确、文从字顺地表达自己的意思。能根据日常生活需要,运用常见的表达方式写作。”课程改革实施至今,就应注重引导学生易于动笔、乐于
教学目标:  1.学生以端午节为主题,选择想了解的问题和同学们分享交流一下,并以此方式了解端午节的由来及民间习俗。  2.通过制作五彩绳实践活动,提高动手操作技能,体验成功的乐趣。  3.通过观看爱国教育视频,交流讨论,激发学生的求知欲及互助精神和爱国主义情感。  教学重点:  1.通过制作五彩绳实践活动,提高动手操作技能,体验成功的乐趣。  2.在编织五彩绳时引导学生自主发现问题,提出问题,并寻
教材是课堂教学内容的载体,在教材中挖掘教育切入点进行直接或间接的德育教育,这是在学科中进行思想道德教育的主要方式。  在教学中适时地、自然地利用它们对学生进行思想教育,会达到事半功倍的效果。不仅能激发学生强烈的爱国情和民族自豪感,而且也激励起学生学习的进取精神。教学中渗透思想道德教育方式是日积月累、潜移默化,容易做到扎实有效。  学生在学科学习中要接触大量的作业、练习、试题,这是向学生渗透思想道德
一、培养数学学习兴趣在小学数学教学中的重要性  数学是其他自然科学的基础和保证,因此,学好数学对于学生以后其他学科的学习具有非常重要的现实意义。小学数学主要是促进学生在幼年时期接受数学教育,进而为将来的数学学习奠定基石,因此,培养小学生对于数学的学习兴趣显得非常重要。处于7~12岁年龄段的小学生是各项认知技能都在快速发展的阶段和人群。在这一年龄阶段,其学习数学知识的能力会随着其兴趣而得到不同的发展
最近“双减”肯定是最热门的话题之一。那么什么是“双减”呢?双减是《关于进一步减轻义务教育阶段学生作业负担和校外培训负担的意见》的简称。“双减”政策受到社会广泛关注。作为一名教师谈谈我对这一政策的见解和看法。  一、中国是社会主义国家,有利于实现祖国的共同富裕  我们所说的富裕,其追求的不仅是物质层面的富裕,更是精神层面的富裕。共同富裕也不是平均主义,因为政策强调“幸福是奋斗出来的”,因而要求优化分