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本文旨在论述企业文化和企业核心竞争力之间的内在关系,廓清长期以来在培育企业文化的目的和途径方面的误区,并对这些困扰企业发展的深层次问题作一些探索。一个连续成功的企业必定有其核心能力,这种能力需要开发、培养、不断巩固以及更新,因为即使建立了核心竞争力,也还有可能再瓦解。如何保持企业的竞争力就成了企业经营管理中的重要问题,即所谓“谋持胜之道”。企业文化在这一过程中起到关键性作用。 The purpose of this article is to discuss the inherent relationship between corporate culture and the core competitiveness of enterprises, to clarify the misunderstandings in the purpose and ways of fostering corporate culture for a long time, and to make some exploration on these deep-seated problems that plague the development of enterprises. A successful business must have its own core competencies that need to be developed, nurtured, continuously consolidated, and up-to-date, because even a core competency is set to collapse. How to maintain the competitiveness of enterprises has become an important issue in business management, the so-called “seeking to win the way.” Corporate culture plays a key role in this process.
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目的了解中学生的性健康知识的知晓程度、主要获取途径及需求状况,为青少年性健康教育的实施提供理论依据。方法整群随机抽取福建、山东、广东3个省的1 088名中学生,采用自行
1月11日它是一个寻常的数字,寻常到妇孺皆知;它是一个简单的数字,简单到男女老幼都记得。这是数字就是“110”。然而,就是这么一个寻常而简单的数字,在中国 It is an ordina
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