东莨菪碱抢救支气管肺炎致中毒性 脑病呼吸衰竭一例报告

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我们参阅了中华医学杂志1973年第五期杨国栋等著的“东莨菪碱抢救极重型流行性乙型脑炎呼吸衰竭”一文后,于1973年7月27日对一例支气管肺炎致中毒性脑病呼吸衰竭患儿采用了东莨菪碱抢救,效果良好,现报告如下:患儿何××,男,2岁半,住院号17895,于1973年7月27日上午4时因突然呕吐,抽搐10余分钟即来急诊。患儿于2~3天前起少汗,流涕,微咳,微热,胃口欠佳,但精神良好,7月26日晚上曾进食半碗饭,7月27日凌晨3时许突然呕吐一次,继后全身出冷汗,抽搐,尤以右侧肢体明显,历时约10分钟后由家人送至单位保健站,未经处理即送来我院急诊。体检:体温37℃,脉搏160次/分,呼吸30次/分,血压86/50毫米汞柱。神志不清,全身出冷汗,四肢较冷,全身皮肤无出血点及皮疹,表浅淋巴结无肿大,额部一处皮肤轻度损伤,头部无血肿,双眼轻度水平震颤,瞳孔时大时小,对光反应迟钝,咽部轻度充血,颈软,心率160次/分,双肺闻少许干性罗音,腹软,肝于肋下仅可扪及,双膝反射消失,右侧提睾反射存在,左侧消失,未引出病理反射。实验室检查:白细胞43,600,中性53~72%。脊液:清,压力90滴/分,细胞数2个/1立方毫米;葡萄糖158毫克%,蛋白63.6毫克%,氯化物700毫克%,二氧化碳结合力31.4容积%,非蛋白氮25毫克%。处理经过:初疑低血糖,予50%葡萄糖40毫升静注,注后全身已无冷汗,四肢暖,约20分钟后又抽搐,呼吸停止,查眼底静脉怒张。即予20%甘露醇静脉推注,吸氧,先后肌注鲁米那钠,复方冬眠灵,静注及静滴洛贝林,作人工呼吸,最后予气管插管。患儿抽搐约历时2小时,晨7时抽搐暂停,体温38.2℃, We refer to the article entitled “Scopolamine Rescue Severe Epidemic Encephalitis Respiratory Failure”, edited by Yang Guodong, No. 5, 1973, of the Chinese Medical Journal. On July 27, 1973, a case of respiratory failure caused by bronchopneumonia caused by bronchopneumonia Children scopolamine rescue, the effect is good, are as follows: Children He × ×, male, 2 years and a half, hospital number 17895, on July 27, 1973 at 4 am due to sudden vomiting, twitch more than 10 minutes to emergency . Children from 2 to 3 days ago, little sweat, runny nose, cough, micro-fever, poor appetite, but good spirit, July 26 evening had half-bowl meal, July 27 at 3 am suddenly vomiting Once, after the body sweat, convulsions, especially in the right limb obvious, which lasted about 10 minutes after the family sent to the unit health station, untreated emergency hospital sent to our hospital. Physical examination: body temperature 37 ℃, pulse 160 beats / min, breathing 30 beats / min, blood pressure 86/50 mm Hg. Unconscious body sweat, cold limbs, the whole body without bleeding and skin rash, no swelling of the superficial lymph nodes, a slight damage to the Ministry of the skin, head no hematoma, mild tremor in both eyes, when the pupil large Small, slow reaction to light, pharyngeal mild congestion, neck soft, heart rate 160 beats / min, lungs smell a little dry rales, abdominal soft, liver palpable only in the ribs, knee reflex disappeared, right Side of the testicular reflex exists, the left disappear, did not lead to pathological reflex. Laboratory tests: white blood cells 43,600, 53-72% of neutral. Ridge: clear, pressure 90 drops / min, cells 2/1 cubic mm; glucose 158 mg%, protein 63.6 mg%, chloride 700 mg%, 31.4% carbon dioxide binding capacity, non-protein nitrogen 25 mg%. Treatment after: suspected hypoglycemia, 40 ml of glucose to 50% of intravenous injection, the body after the note has no cold sweat, limbs warm, about 20 minutes later convulsions, breathing stopped, check venous fundula. That is to 20% intravenous injection of mannitol, oxygen, muscle intramuscular injection of sodium, compound winter sleep Ling, intravenous and intravenous Luo Bei Lin, artificial respiration, and finally to endotracheal intubation. Twitch about 2 hours in children with twitch at 7 o’clock in the morning, body temperature 38.2 ℃,
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