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大学生伤害事故处置是辅导员工作中绕不开的工作难题,也是大学校园治理的组成部分。事故处置中各方争议焦点总是介于道德与法律之间、法律与政策之间、情理与法理之间,诉说不清。法、理、情的冲突和融合是事故处置工作的重心。在全面推进依法治国和依法治教的背景下,构建以依法处置为主导,兼顾情理因素的法、理、情平衡机制,是当前大学生伤害事故处置的必然选择。 Disposal of college student injuries is a difficult task for the counselor to work around and is also an integral part of the management of university campuses. The focus of disputes in the disposal of all parties involved in the accident always lies between morality and law, between law and policy, between reason and law and can not tell clearly. Conflict and integration of law, reason and love are the focuses of accident handling. Under the background of ruling the country by law and administering the church according to law in an all-round way, it is an inevitable choice to construct a legal, rational and balance mechanism that takes legal measures as the leading factor and balances the rational factors.
hello!小读者们,你们注意到了吗?原先我们的《大拇指》栏目改版为say you say me栏目了,人物还是人物,不同的是,全都是咱们小干部们的原汁原味的心里话。如果你有什么想说,也
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我终于成为一名小学生了。  当我背着书包走进教室,面对新老师和那么多新同学的时候,甭提心里有多高兴了。可是,小朋友们,你们知道吗?现在我的心里却很烦恼,完全没有了上学时的兴奋和惊喜。每当我背着书包上学的时候,爸爸妈妈总会反复叮嘱我:“上课要遵守纪律、认真听课、集中注意力,不要做小动作。”写作业的时候,他们又会在我耳边反复地说:“笔顺要记清,字要写工整,不然要重写。”他们这样反复念叨多了,我真感到很
A model for performance prediction of multistage centrifugal compressor is proposed.The model allows the users to predict the compressor performance,e.g.pressur
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