Tencent WeChat's Micro-Innovation of Integration and Iteration under Technical Paradigm Transfo

来源 :China Economist | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:edison_young
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This paper attempts to broaden the theory of dynamic competences,defining them as the abilities of firms to integrate and reconstruct in a chaotic and complex environment of technical paradigm transformation(TP transformation).We have created a semi-interactive theoretical framework based on dynamic competences,technical paradigms and innovation strategies to investigate how corporate dynamic competences support innovation during TP transformation.Under this theoretical framework,this paper attempts to open the popular question of mobile Internet industry- the black box of “micro innovation”- to conduct an in-depth case study of WeChat’s micro-innovation featuring “integration ” and “iteration ”.The authors have discovered that the success of WeChat can be attributed to the following factors:seizure of strategic opportunities during TP transformation,effective organizational learning and knowledge management,and powerful virtual integration competences across regions,sectors and firms.These factors have led to the rapid,repetitive and precise iteration of innovation based on technical knowledge and user information.Open and coordinated innovation was carried out ahead of competitors,partners and lead customers,and effective quality control of micro-innovation was conducted to mitigate the uncertainties and risks of innovation failures.These factors have enabled WeChat to become a third-party service platform of disruptive innovation and value creation in the mobile Internet era.The theoretical contributions of this paper are as follows:it has enriched the theory of dynamic competences,conducted a groundbreaking analysis on the intrinsic mechanism of micro-innovation strategy for Internet firms from the height of technical paradigms,and elaborated how dynamic competences support innovation strategies during TP transformation.This paper offers theoretical support and practical guidance for Internet firms to innovate in the context of TP transformation. This paper attempts to broaden the theory of dynamic competences, defining them as the abilities of firms to integrate and reconstruct in a chaotic and complex environment of technical paradigm transformation (TP transformation) .We have created a semi-interactive theoretical framework based on dynamic competences technical paradigms and innovation strategies to investigate how corporate dynamic competences support innovation during TP transformation. Undertaken this theoretical framework, this paper attempts to open the popular question of mobile Internet industry- the black box of “micro innovation ” - to conduct an in-depth case study of WeChat’s micro-innovation featuring “integration ” and “iteration ”. The authors have discovered that the success of WeChat can be attributed to the following factors: seizure of strategic opportunities during TP transformation, effective organizational learning and knowledge management, and powerful virtual integration competences across regions, sectors and firms. these factors have led to the rapid, repetitive and precise iteration of innovation based on technical knowledge and user information. Open and coordinated innovation was carried out ahead of competitors, and lead customers, and effective quality control of micro-innovation was conducted to mitigate the uncertainties and risks of innovation failures. these factors have enabled WeChat to become a third-party service platform of disruptive innovation and value creation in the mobile Internet era. The theory contributions of this paper are as follows: it has enriched the theory of dynamic competences, conducted a groundbreaking analysis on the intrinsic mechanism of micro-innovation strategy for Internet firms from the height of technical paradigms, and elaborated how dynamic rightss support innovation strategies during TP transformation. This paper offers theoretical support and practical guidance for Internet firms to innovate in the context of TP transformation.
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我从小就有落枕的毛病,早晨起床常常歪着疼痛的脖子。母亲总是小心地替我搓揉,想给我找个合适的枕头。  市场上的枕头不是太硬就是太软。母亲决定亲自给我做一个枕头,棉花是最合意的材料。母亲细心地挑选,做的棉花枕头轻软漂亮。头枕上去,我很快进入了甜美的梦乡。呼吸着棉花淡淡的阳光味,那是母爱的一瓣馨香。  父亲托人从外地带回一大袋绿豆壳,母亲又用它给我缝制了一个新枕头。它比棉花枕头更舒服,睡在上面轻轻一动,
本刊讯(记者周伟娟通讯员刘杰) 3月26日,天津市科学技术奖励大会在天津礼堂举行,表彰奖励荣获2012年度天津市科学技术奖的单位和个人。天津市委书记孙春兰出席颁奖大会并发表