
来源 :工程热物理学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caesarm4
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In the presellt work, The three-dimensional turbulent particulate-liquid two-phase flows have been simulated through a hydraulic nancis turbine runner by using the turbulence model and the SIMPLEC algorithm on the bases of the theory of two-fluids model for multiphase flows. In this theory, the particle phase at dilute conceniration conditions, is assumed to be a pseudo-fluid and occupies a certain fraction volume in the whole flow domain shared with the colltinuum phase, i.e., the real fluid phase. Velocity distributions of the two phases through the runner are indicated in this paper as calculated results. In the presellt work, The three-dimensional turbulent particulate-liquid two-phase flows have been simulated through a hydraulic nancis turbine runner by using the turbulence model and the SIMPLEC algorithm on the bases of the theory of two-fluids model for multiphase flows. In this theory, the particle phase at dilute conceniration conditions, is assumed to be a pseudo-fluid and occupies a certain fraction volume in the whole flow domain shared with the colltinuum phase, ie, the real fluid phase. Velocity distributions of the two phases through the runner are indicated in this paper as calculated results
摘 要:由安德烈·康查洛夫斯基执导的电影《奥德赛》(the Odyssey,1997年上映)取材于《荷马史诗》第二部:《奥德赛》,这部电影以希腊英雄奥德修斯在海上一系列的冒险行为成功地吸引了观众的眼球,也向观众淋漓尽致地展示了希腊文化:当时的社会是处于萌芽中的奴隶社会;在家庭中,男性占主导地位,低级形态的一夫一妻制开始出现;希腊人热情待客,他们的宗教观古老而神秘,拥有丰富多彩的娱乐活动等。结合《荷
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分析了广西西江流域1988~1997年5次严重洪涝的特点,主要影响天气系统特征及演变规律,归纳出产生大范围致洪暴雨的三类天气型,结果可供预报业务参考。 The characteristics of fi
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