Aibizia Julibrissin合欢树

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  Albizia julibrissin, the Persian silk tree or pink silk tree, is a species of tree in thefamily Fabaceae, native to southwestern and eastern Asia. The Italian 1)noblemanFilippo degli Albizzi, introduced it to Europe in the mid-18th century. Albizia julibrissin isa deciduous tree with an open, flat-topped, spreading crown; it can grow 6-16 metrestall.
  The tree is harvested from the wild, mainly for local 2)medicinal use and as asource food and wood. It is grown as a shade tree and soil conditioner, and is oftengrown as an ornamental tree because of its appealing fragrance, showy flowers andlow 3)maintenance requirement.
  Mimosa is a tree of mainly temperate to subtropical regions, entering the tropic athigher elevations. Mature plants can prove to be hardy to about -20℃ in continentalregions, but in moister, 4)maritime areas are only hardy to about -10℃.
  Young leaves can be cooked. It has an aromatic flavour. It is used as a potherb.Flowers can also be cooked and eaten as a vegetable. The dried leaves are a teasubstitute.
  The flower heads are sedative and tonic. They are used internally in the treatmentof insomnia, irritability, breathlessness and poor memory. The flowers are harvestedas they open and are dried for later use. The stembark is anodyne, anthelmintic. It is used internally inthe treatment of insomnia, irritability. Externally, the stem bark is applied to injuries andswellings. A gummy extract obtained from the plant is used as a plaster for abscesses,boils etc and also as a retentive in fractures and sprains.
  1) nobleman [’naublman] n.贵族
  2)medicinal [ma’disinl] adj.医学的;药用的
  3) maintenance [’meintanans]n.维修
  4)maritine [’maeritaim] adj.海洋的
从初中到高中的过渡可能会使你的学习生活发生重大变化,这常常会让你紧张和焦虑,而认识初中与高中的不同可以帮助你缓解心理焦虑。  In terms of educational theory and philosophy, middle school and high school are almost lidentical. The concept in both is to present the
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梅花开了!走,让我们探梅去。  准备:  相机、速写本、油画棒、水粉颜料  红梅花真好看,用相机拍下来吧!  宝贝,拿稳相机,对准你的梅花。  咔嚓!这是我的第一张梅花图。  我和妈妈还拍了各种不同颜色的梅花呢!  梅花一弄  太阳出来了,快看,速写本上出现了梅花的影子!  真的,太阳也会画画呀!  梅影还有浓淡变化呢!  梅花二弄  妈妈帮忙拿本子,我来画梅花。爸爸,我也要画。瞧,梅花图画好了。
“千里送鹅毛,礼轻情意重”,禮物的价值在于送礼者的善意和心意,而非礼物本身的价值。CE君认为,发自內心给予的礼物才是真正的礼物,因为此份礼物包含送礼者的心意。  传说,一位年轻的男子在漫游沙漠的途中发现如水晶般清澈而可口的水。水的味道非常甜美,于是他灌满了他的皮水壶,这样就可以带一些回去,送给曾经是他老师的长者。  经过四天的旅程,他把水递给老人。老人喝了一大口,和蔼地笑了笑,并深切地感激学生赠与
参考译文  以前我总会从我的窗户偷偷往外看。透过窗户,我可以看到繁忙的道路,路上有小贩在销售着各种各样的东西。看护我的人过去常常会给我介绍那些东西。  我喜欢看着那五彩缤纷的气球、棉花糖、冰淇淋、汉堡、热狗,以及其他数之不尽的东西……那些我透过窗户能够看到,却从来没有触碰过或品尝过的东西。我只能远远地看着它们,因为我患有十分严重的疾病。我只能喝汤,吃水煮的蔬菜和麦片粥。对于我来说,生活是苍白无趣的
Clean up Song
冬天的树,变得光秃秃的。  失去了叶子的树,变瘦了。  寒冷的风吹着干枯的树枝,树枝瑟瑟地抖着。  再也见不到那么多鸟儿飞到树林里欢叫了。冬天的树林变得冷冷清清,寂寥得很。  忽然,我听见从枝头传来鸟儿的鸣啼,我看见树枝上飞落一群麻雀,它们跳来跳去,唧唧喳喳,好像有许多话要急不可待地告诉树。  树,也像见到了久别的朋友,挥动着枝条,欢迎着这冬天的伴侣。  麻雀从这根枝丫上跳到那根枝丫上,在这里唧唧
新年前夕,國家主席习近平通过中央广播电视总台和互联网,发表了二0二一年新年贺词。  2020 was an lextraordinary year. Facing the sudden coronavirus pandemic, we put people and their lives first to interpret the great love among humans. With so