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公元前278年,诗人屈原遭馋投泪罗江而死。百姓出于对屈原的崇敬和热爱,把棕子投进泪罗江,希望江里的鱼虾吃了粽子,不要伤害屈原的遗体。于是,便形成了端午节吃粽子的风俗。粽子古称角黍、裹蒸、包米、筒粽等,较早记载端午吃粽子的是东汉末年应劭著的《风俗演义》。到了西晋,吃粽子的风俗逐渐固定在端午。魏晋时期,端午吃粽子已很盛行。唐宋时代,粽子已成为端午节的名食了。宋代端午粽子种类渐增,《岁时杂记》说:“端午粽子名品甚多,形态不一,有角粽、锥粽、菱粽、筒粽、秤锤粽,有九子粽。”棕子有馅,也始于宋代。明代,粽馅更为丰富,有蜜糖、豆沙、猪肉、 In 278 BC, the poet Qu Yuan suffered a glut of tears and died of Luo Jiang. People out of respect and love of Qu Yuan, put the tears into the palm of the tree, I hope the river fish and shrimp eat dumplings, do not hurt the body of Qu Yuan. So, they formed the Dragon Boat Festival eating dumplings. Rice dumplings ancient angle millet, wrapped steamed, wrapped rice, tube dumplings, the earlier record of the Dragon Boat Festival to eat dumplings is the Eastern Han Dynasty should be with the “custom Romance.” To the Western Jin Dynasty, the custom of eating dumplings gradually fixed in the Dragon Boat Festival. Wei and Jin Dynasties, Dragon Boat Festival eat dumplings is very popular. Tang and Song Dynasties, dumplings has become a famous Dragon Boat Festival. Dragon Boat Festival in the Song Dynasty dumplings species is increasing, “Age Miscellaneous Miscellany,” said: "Dragon Boat dumplings are many famous, different shapes, horned dumplings, cone dumplings, Ling dumplings, tube dumplings, weighing hammer dumplings, nine dumplings. There are stuffing, also began in the Song Dynasty. Ming Dynasty, dumplings filling more rich, honey, red bean paste, pork,
In this experimental study,field observations and laboratory experiments have been carried out to assess the impacts of the vegetated channel walls and aspect r
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