Dl-3-butylphthalide-enhanced hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and endogenous stem cell mobili

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ivan888111
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Exogenous stem cell transplantation and endogenous stem cell mobilization are both effective for the treatment of acute cerebral infarction. The compound dl-3-butylphthalide is known to improve microcirculation and help brain cells at the infarct loci. This experiment aimed to investigate the effects of dl-3-butylphthalide intervention based on the transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells and mobilization of endogenous stem cells in a rat model of cerebral infarction, following middle cerebral artery occlusion. Results showed that neurological function was greatly improved and infarct volume was reduced in rats with cerebral infarction. Data also showed that dl-3-butylphthalide can promote hematopoietic stem cells to transform into vascular endothelial cells and neuronal-like cells, and also enhance the therapeutic effect on cerebral infarction by hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and endogenous stem cell mobilization. Exogenous stem cell transplantation and endogenous stem cell mobilization are both for the treatment of acute cerebral infarction. The compound dl-3-butylphthalide is known to improve microcirculation and help brain cells at the infarct loci. This experiment aimed to investigate the effects of dl -3-butylphthalide intervention based on the transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells and mobilization of endogenous stem cells in a rat model of cerebral infarction, following middle cerebral artery occlusion. Results showed that neurological function was greatly improved and infarct volume was reduced in rats with cerebral infarction. Data also showed that dl-3-butylphthalide can promote hematopoietic stem cells to transform into vascular endothelial cells and neuronal-like cells, and also the therapeutic effect on cerebral infarction by hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and endogenous stem cell mobilization.
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摘 要随着教育事业的快速发展,小学课堂教学也进入了新的阶段。小学教学互动的主要环节就是进行游戏化教学,游戏教学也是教师在授课中最有效的教学方法之一。游戏化教学不仅能突显教师的教学水平,也能更好地判断学生掌握知识的程度,帮助学生更好的掌握知识,同时也有助于教师有针对性的进行教学。但是,目前我国小学教师一般很少会采用这种方法,因为想要顺利在小学数学课堂教学中实施游戏化教学也有一定的困难。因此,本文从小