
来源 :中国基层医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:magutosh
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我院于1994~1998年期间,对108例前列腺增生症病人在经膀胱前列腺摘除术中,应用了西安产施必止·邦氏A-102A(施必止),进行前列腺窝填塞止血,取得了满意的效果,现报告如下。1 资料与方法1.1 临床资料 本组108例,年龄58~84岁。前列腺大小在Ⅱ度以上,摘除的标本重量30~120g,本组所有病例均因“尿潴留”入院,经保守治疗无效而改手术治疗,术式均采用耻骨上经膀胱前列腺摘除术。1.2 操作方法 包膜下摘除前列腺后迅速用热盐水纱布填塞腺窝约5~7min,于膀胱颈5、7点各缝合1针(8字缝合),插入气囊导尿管,先充盈气囊10ml,取施必止围绕气囊松松缠绕一周,然后将气囊置腺窝内,再注入10~20ml液体于气囊内,使施必止能紧密地与腺窝壁接触,膀胱内置造瘘管,而导尿管未作牵引。 In our hospital from 1994 to 1998, 108 cases of benign prostatic hyperplasia patients undergoing transurethral resection of the prostate, the application of Xi’an Shi Shi only the state of A-102A (Shi will only), the prostate foramen hemostasis, obtained Satisfactory results, are as follows. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 Clinical data The group of 108 patients, aged 58 to 84 years. Prostate size in more than Ⅱ degrees, removal of the specimen weight 30 ~ 120g, all patients in this group were due to “urinary retention” admission, conservative treatment fails to change the surgical treatment, surgical procedures are used on the suprapubic transvesical prostatectomy. 1.2 The method of operation under the envelope after removal of the prostate quickly with hot saline gauze stuffed gland about 5 ~ 7min, 5,7 points in the bladder neck each suture 1 needle (8 suture), insert the balloon catheter, first inflatable balloon 10ml, Take Shi must be around the airbag loosely wrapped around a week, and then the balloon into the crypt, and then injected 10 ~ 20ml liquid in the balloon, Shi Shi will be able to closely contact with the gland wall, the bladder built fistula, and catheterization Tube not made traction.
目的 :探讨前列腺增生症 ( BPH)射频治疗失败的原因及对手术的影响。方法 :回顾性分析 38例BPH患者射频治疗失败后前列腺切除术的情况及术后前列腺的病理特征。结果 :前列腺
一、判断题: 1.一个近似数,四舍五入到百分位,就说这个近似数精确到百分位。( ) 2.一个近似数,除零以外都是这个数的有效数字。( ) First, determine the question: 1. An
一个自然数,除了1和它本身外,不再有别的正约数,这样的数叫质数。关于质数,有许多趣谈。例如, 1既不是质数,也不是合数。 2是最小的质数,也是质数中惟一的偶 A natural num
一.科谐振动的图线演示实验 1.用磁单摆演示简谐振动图线 a.工作原理: 原理图如图1所示,对应实物图如图2所示。当磁单摆在摆动时,磁铁周围的磁场与线圈发生相对运动,因而在
近年来尿石症在泌尿外科系统疾病中发病率仍占首位 ,且有继续上升的趋势 ,我们分析了 1990年近 10年来收入泌尿外科系统疾病病人中的尿石病情况 ,以间接了解 10年来尿石症的