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来源 :中国石油企业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jbue520
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最新国家油气资源评价表明,鄂尔多斯盆地拥有石油资源量129亿吨、天然气资源量15万亿立方米,是我国油气资源“聚宝盆”。2013年,长庆油田实现油气产量当量5195万吨,高质量建成“西部大庆”。同一年,长庆油田实现新增探明油气储量分别达3.1亿吨、2732亿立方米。至此,这个油田在鄂尔多斯盆地已累计探明石油储量突破34亿吨、探明天然气储量超5万亿立方米,迎来史无前例的储量增长高峰。 The latest assessment of national oil and gas resources shows that the Ordos Basin possesses 12.9 billion tons of oil resources and 15 trillion cubic meters of natural gas resources, which is China’s oil and gas resources, “cornucopia”. In 2013, Changqing Oilfield achieved an output of 51.95 million tons of oil and gas equivalent and built a high-quality “West Daqing”. In the same year, Changqing Oilfield realized newly-added proven oil and gas reserves of 310 million tons and 273.2 billion cubic meters, respectively. At this point, this oilfield has accumulated 3.4 billion tons of proven oil reserves in the Ordos Basin and proven reserves of over 5 trillion cubic meters of natural gas, ushering in unprecedented peak growth in reserves.
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《读书》杂志二○○四年第一期有张群先生的文章《清华图书与法学图书馆》,其中提及曾经受命整理社会科学院法学研究所收藏的清华大学外文图书。这批图书计有近万册之多,并且门类齐全、皆属一流的版本。  今年四月,我在北京琉璃厂举行的古旧书市上,也见到了几本清华大学图书馆旧藏的英美原版法律图书。其中有一九二五年版的《美国宪法先导案例》(LawrenceEvans编著,卡拉汉出版公司第二版),有一九二六年版的《