强化管理求生存 深化改革谋发展

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我校建于1981年。回顾我校的过去,老一辈创业者,凭着对中等职业教育的满腔热情和不畏艰难,勇于开拓创新的奋斗精神,在教师短缺、教学条件简陋,经费严重不足的情况下,从零开始,一步一个脚印地走过了一段艰难的发展历程。在这20年中,经过几届领导班子和老一辈教职工的艰苦努力,目前已把我校初步建设成了拥有69名教职员工,7名高级讲师,15名讲师和具有一定管理水平的教职工队伍的中等职业学校。学校基础设施建设也由原来简陋的平房教室,建设成了能容纳近千人上课的宽敞明亮的正规教室和食堂礼堂。同时,还建成了拥有现代化教学手段的微机教室和多媒体教室,为学生创造了一个良好的硬件学习环境。在专业设置上,我校紧密结合市场实际,根据社会需要由原来单一的工民建专业,逐步扩展为拥有建筑设备、建筑预算、建筑装饰、物业管理、计算机应用、金融证券等11个专业为主体的建筑类教学体系。在办学层次上,也由原来单一的中等职业教育,逐步扩大为本科教育、专科教育、中专教育、短期培训为一体的多层次教育体系。20年来,我校为河北省、唐山市及其它省市培养了近7000多名中、高级建设人才和技术工人,为我国的现代化建设做出了应有的贡献。 Our school was built in 1981. Recalling the past in our school, the pioneers of the older generation, with full enthusiasm and fearlessness in secondary vocational education, have the courage to pioneer and innovate in the spirit of struggle. With a shortage of teachers, poor teaching conditions and a serious shortage of funds, Start, step by step through a difficult development process. In these 20 years, after several years of arduous efforts of the leading group and the older generation of faculty and staff, we have initially built our school into a college with 69 faculty members, 7 senior lecturers, 15 lecturers and a certain level of management Secondary vocational schools for teaching staff. School infrastructure is also from the primitive cottage classroom, built into a class capable of accommodating nearly a thousand classes bright and spacious formal classroom and canteen auditorium. At the same time, it also built computer classrooms and multimedia classrooms with modern teaching methods, creating a good hardware learning environment for students. In the professional setting, our school closely combined with the actual market, according to the needs of society from a single original construction workers, and gradually expanded to have the construction equipment, construction budget, construction and decoration, property management, computer applications, financial and securities 11 professional The main architectural teaching system. At the education level, from the original single secondary vocational education, it gradually expanded to a multi-level education system integrating undergraduate education, college education, secondary education and short-term training. Over the past 20 years, our school has trained nearly 7,000 mid-level and senior-level construction personnel and skilled workers in Hebei Province, Tangshan City and other provinces and cities, and made due contributions to the modernization of our country.
无创气道正压通气能明显缓解心源性肺水肿患者的呼吸困难 ,提高血氧分压 ,降低气管插管率和住院病死率 ;显著提高心力衰竭合并睡眠呼吸暂停患者的睡眠质量 ,减轻气道阻塞 ,降
经~济研究论高新技术产业与经济强市黎娇凤(2.22)以信息化带动工业化 欧阳培欧阳强(1.15)美国“新经济”对中国经济发展的 启示·············,····……彭腾
目前中国居民储蓄总额位居全球首位,在消费升级的背景下,对汽车的质量、性能的要求也在提高,这也给汽车企业提出了更高的要求  11月2日,第四届中韩汽车产业发展研讨会在北京召开。此次会议由国家信息中心信息资源开发部与现代汽车(中国)投资有限公司合作举办。  中国与韩国同为亚洲两大重要的汽车市场,同样面临着汽车产业升级与国际化竞争的重要课题,而韩国汽车以“现代速度”取得了全球瞩目的成绩,双方的交流合作将