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本刊讯近日,河北威远生物化工股份有限公司2013年年报公布,公司2013年超额完成了半年度报告中确定的销售收入42.5亿元的经营计划,全年实现销售收入47.07亿元,比上年同期增加12.73%。归属于上市公司股东的净利润为6.93亿元,比上年同期增长3.79%。威远生化主营业务主要有煤炭类、能源化工类和农药、兽药类。报告期内,公司完成了吡虫啉、甲氨基阿维菌素、除虫脲等产品的新工艺技术中试及试生产,完成了广谱高效杀菌剂嘧菌酯的开发项目的中试,并开展了草铵磷技术改进等研发项目,对噻虫胺原药、草铵膦原药、吡蚜酮原药合 Recently, Hebei Weiyuan Biological Chemical Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2013 announced that in 2013 the company exceeded the sales revenue of 4.25 billion yuan in the semi-annual report of the business plan, the annual sales revenue of 4.707 billion yuan, compared with The same period increased by 12.73%. Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 693 million yuan, an increase of 3.79% over the previous year. Weiyuan biochemical main business mainly coal, energy and chemical industry and pesticides, veterinary drugs. During the reporting period, the Company completed the pilot test and trial production of new process technologies of imidacloprid, methylamino abamectin and diflubenzuron, completed the pilot project of the development of a broad spectrum highly effective bactericidal azoxystrobin and carried out The glufosinate ammonium phosphate technology improvements and other research projects, the original clothianidin drug, glufosinate original drug, pymetrozine original drug
《南方农药》(South Pesticide)是由国家农药创制工程技术研究中心和湖南化工研究院主办、湖南化工研究院杂志社承办的农药综合性信息刊物,本刊立足南方,面向全国农药和化工
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本文笔者根据施工现场实际情况,重点介绍了后浇带封闭、盖板设计、等施工工艺。可供同行借鉴参考。 In this paper, the author according to the actual situation at the