State of the Art and Perspectives of Hydroforming of Tubes and Sheets

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lpf881
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Hollow parts of high accuracy and high strength can be produced by forming methods using liquid media. Hydroforming of tubes has reached a high standard for small parts (volume some 1000 cm3) and is further developed for larger parts (volume some 10.000 cm3). Processes for hydraulic sheet metal forming are sometimes used for small parts from single sheets These pro-cesses are currently under intensive investigation, which is also true for the processing of double layered sheets Single sheets can be formed using membranes which separate the workpiece and the liquid. This results in interesting possibilities for a part and process integration in one step The forming performance of aluminum alloys can be enhanced by using a heated liquid media when forming without membranes. Hollow parts of high accuracy and high strength can be produced by forming methods using liquid media. Hydroforming of tubes has reached a high standard for small parts (volume some 1000 cm3) and is further developed for larger parts (volume some 10.000 cm3). Processes for hydraulic sheet metal forming are sometimes used for small parts from double sheets These pro-cesses are currently under intensive investigation, which is also for for processing double layered sheets Single sheets can be formed using membranes which separate the workpiece and the liquid. This results in interesting possibilities for a part and process integration in one step The forming performance of aluminum alloys can be enhanced by using a heated liquid media when forming without membranes.
尹全洲 ,经济学博士、研究员。山东德州市人 ,1 966年生 ,1 996年 9月 ,作为国家计划内统招的经济学博士研究生 ,考入西北大学经济管理学院 ,师从著名经济学家、西北大学校长
面对奥迪Q3与奔驰BLK的来势汹汹,作为紧凑级SAV开拓者的宝马X1自然不会同意后来者瓜分自己现有的市场份额,巩固市场开拓者的领先地位势在必行。 The face of the Audi Q3 an
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民办高校的音乐教育包括课堂教学和课外实践活动两方面,前者是实施音乐教育的重要途径,后者是前者的提高。本文对江西民办高校音乐专业课外实践活动的现状进行分析,并提出了几点对策。  一、江西民办高校课外音乐实践活动的现状  课外音乐活动是当前民办高校常见的校园活动之一。学生对其表现出了极大的兴趣,它所呈现的音乐活动形式也随着时代的发展而越来越多样。据调查显示,各种形式的音乐会、音乐沙龙、音乐比赛、音乐社