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在用“与非”门进行逻辑设计的时候,特别在设计中、大规模集成电路的时候,为了减少输入端数,常要求每个输入信号只用一根线而不用两根线。即只有原变量输入而无反变量输入,这时,在逻辑函数中遇到反变量将如何处理呢? In logic design with NAND gates, especially when designing large-scale integrated circuits, it is often required to use only one line per input signal instead of two lines in order to reduce the number of inputs. That is, only the original variable input without anti-variable input, then encountered in the logic function will be how to deal with the inverse?
The athletes from 55 nationalities, including those in Taiwan, attend the 5th National Games of Nationalities’ Traditional Sports held in Kunming, Yunnan Prov
The experimental results that fiber gratings with high peak reflectivityfabricated by 248nm KrF excimer laser irradiated a B/Ge co-doped fibers through a zero-o
俗话说“没什么别没钱(或曰朋友),有什么别有病”“小人(指老百姓)无病便是福”。足见我们这个民族多么厌恶疾病。就连“有病!”都是作为一句挺有分量的骂人话用的。 因此,汉
一 语言学及其发展方向 目前,语言学和人文科学一样,面临着学术上和社会上的危机(参看kühlwcin 1986b)。为什么语言学陷入了这样的境地?有什么办法使语言学摆脱这种窘境?由
美洲开发银行近日发表的一份调查报告指出 ,电子雷达的安装至少使巴西每年因交通事故死亡的人数减少了 1 50 0人。美洲开发银行对巴西、阿根廷、巴拉圭、智利、乌拉圭 5个南
我国最大的船闸反弧门———三峡三程永久船闸输水廊道第 6闸首第一套反弧门在近日通过验收。这套由夹江水工机械厂生产制造的反弧门重 80余吨 ,门宽 4 4 7m ,高 5 99m ,面板
China is an ancient country. In addition to its stateclassified historic relics, there are abundant handicrafts, cultural tools and utensils for daily use left
Bridegroom Wang Yongli, 33, has set three world records to win a like number of world championships. Wang has also won the highest honorary sports medals on fi