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在青海牧区,由于受落后的经济文化的制约,牧区家庭教育相对落后。这影响了当地少年儿童的健康成长,阻碍着当地教育的发展。解决牧区家庭教育存在的问题势在必行。本文以杂多县为例,分析了青海牧区家庭教育的现状及原因,提出了相应的思考。 In pastoral areas in Qinghai, family education in pastoral areas was relatively backward due to the constraints of the backward economy and culture. This has affected the healthy growth of local children and hindered the development of local education. It is imperative to solve the existing problems of family education in pastoral areas. This article takes Heduo County as an example, analyzes the current situation and reasons of family education in Qinghai pastoral areas, and puts forward corresponding thinking.
AIM: To investigate whether perinatal events, intrauterine or postpartum, are associated with the development of primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) later in l
2014年12月4日 晴  幸福是什么?我常常望着天空,有意无意地双手托腮,傻傻地想。  幸福是童稚时印在妈妈脸上的一个吻吗?幸福是成长道路上老师的一句赞语、父母的一声叮咛、同学眼里羡慕的目光,还是指间的一缕阳光、身旁的一阵清风,抑或满园醉人的花香。  听爷爷、奶奶说,他们那个年代,如果一日三餐能填饱肚子,那就是世间最幸福的事了。我惊奇地张大嘴,怎么也难以相信爷爷、奶奶对幸福的奢望竟然那么简单!现
2015年1月16日 晴  早春二月,雪是快的,唰唰唰,下过就化了。其实这个时节是很热烈的,但因为还是早春,所以隐蔽的像一场暗恋——就像在平静的心湖里投下的一粒石子所漾开的波纹,明明动心了,脸上却还是冷冷的、安静的。然而,到底还是春天了,远方侵了古道,青翠接了荒城。  春,她奏着轻柔缠绵的交响乐来到了古都洛阳,她裹挟着柔软的春风,扭摆着纤细的腰肢在这洛阳古城的耳畔厮磨,让草发芽,让树拔节,让水流动
Although gastric hypochlorhydria is a risk factor for gastroenteritis and for gastric cancer, no reliable, inexpensive, noninvasive test exists for screening or
  ( 1 )刘瑞兰 (江西赣州市疾病控制中心 ,3 41 0 0 0 ,【收稿日期】2 0 0 3 -0 7-0 1 )《多功能治疗机治疗尖锐湿疣 1 2 6例》。疗法 :GX -Ⅱ型多功能电离子手术治疗机烧灼
Tuberculosis (TB) is a very rare cause of biliary stricturethat is difficult to diagnose and usually requires surgicalintervention in order to rule out underly
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