
来源 :解放军预防医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:darklbueyz
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目的:了解军事训练伤的发生规律与特点。方法:采用前瞻性流行病学研究方法,对某部1997 年3 月至1998 年2 月的军事训练伤进行调查。结果:该部军事训练伤的年度发生率为30 .04 % ,上半年训练伤的发生率明显高于下半年,训练伤的发生率随年龄增加而逐渐下降,不同单位训练伤的发生率不同。在训练伤病例中以关节扭伤所占比例最大(33 .21 % ) ,受伤部位以肘、腿、踝和腕部为主。受伤课目以战术训练和5 公里越野跑等所占比例高( 分别为30 .42 % 和24 .48 % ) ,受伤原因以技术不熟练和运动量过大等所占比例高( 分别为33 .92 % 和23 .08 % ) 。结论:当前训练伤的防治工作重点为新兵,应采取适当干预措施,如遵守军训防护要求和防止超重强度训练。 Objective: To understand the regularity and characteristics of military training injuries. METHODS: A prospective epidemiological study was conducted to investigate a military training injury from March 1997 to February 1998. Results: The annual incidence of military training injuries at the Ministry is 30. 04%. The incidence of training injuries in the first half of the year was significantly higher than that in the second half. The incidence of training injuries gradually decreased with increasing age, and the incidence of training injuries varied with different units. Injuries in the training cases accounted for the largest proportion of joint sprains (33.21%), injured parts to elbows, legs, ankles and wrists. Injuries accounted for a high proportion (30.42% and 24.48% respectively) of tactical training and 5-km cross-country races, with a high proportion of unskilled and over-performing injuries (33.92 % And 23.08%). Conclusion: At present, the prevention and treatment of training injuries should focus on recruits. Appropriate intervention measures should be taken, such as observing the requirements of military training and preventing overweight training.
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