开放获取(Open Access)及著名的国际协议

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开放获取(Open Access)是国际学术界、出版界、图书情报界为了推动科研成果利用互联网自由传播而采取的运动。其目的是促进科学及人文信息的广泛交流,促进利用互联网进行科学交流与出版,提升科学研究的公共利用程度、保障科学信息的长期保存,提高科学研究的效率。目前在国际上已有很多关于开放获取的协议及宣言,比较著名的有:柏林宣言:德国马普学会发起,主要针 Open Access is a movement taken by the international academia, the publishing industry and the library and information industry to promote the free dissemination of scientific research using the Internet. Its purpose is to promote the wide exchange of scientific and humanistic information, promote the scientific exchange and publication using the Internet, enhance the public utilization of scientific research, ensure the long-term preservation of scientific information and improve the efficiency of scientific research. At present, there are many international agreements and declarations on open access. More notable are the Berlin Declaration: Initiation by the German Max Planck Institute, Major Stitches
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