
来源 :生物学教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanlj007
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高考不考生物的新方案公布以后,我县也相应地作出了中考取消生物学科的决定。两项新方案的相继出台,极大地挫伤了广大生物教师从事生物教学的积极性,严重地动摇了生物教师队伍的稳定性。在这种情况下,如何搞好我县的生物学教学呢? 去年秋季开学初不久,我们对取消生物高考后的全县生物师资队伍状况作了较为详细的调查。通过调查,了解到取消生物高考对我县生物师资队伍的影响是严重的。在目前考试仍起指挥棒作用的情况下,我县取消生物中考无疑将使轻视生物教学甚至歧视生物教师的现象更为严重。这种现象发展下去,不仅会直接影响高中生物的教学,而且九年制义务教育的质量也不能得到应有的保证。所以,目前的当务之急是采取有力措施,稳定现有的生物教师队伍,切实加强初中生物教学。对于这些情况,我们虽通过各种渠道向有关领导作了认真反映,但未能引起足够的重视。我们又将调查情况投寄给了《生物学教学》,得到了编辑部的高度重视,1993年第12期《生物学教学》刊登了我们写的“取消生物高考后我县的生物学教学情况”一文,还特地加了“编者按”。我们紧紧抓住这一契机,充分利用《生物学教学》作为高考不考生物的新方案公布以后,我县也相应地作出了中考取消生物学科的决定。两项新方案的相继出台,极大地挫伤 After the new plan for the college entrance examination was not examined, the county also made the decision to cancel the biology department in the middle school examination. The introduction of the two new programs has greatly dampened the enthusiasm of biological teachers in biology teaching, and has severely shaken the stability of biological teaching staff. Under this circumstance, how do we do a good job in biology teaching in our county? Not long after the beginning of last fall, we made a detailed investigation on the status of the county’s biological teacher team after the biological college entrance examination was abolished. Through the survey, we learned that the cancellation of the biological college entrance examination has had a serious impact on the county’s biological teaching staff. In the case of the current examination still playing the role of the baton, the cancellation of the biological examination in my county will undoubtedly make the phenomenon of despising biological teaching and even discrimination against biological teachers even more serious. The development of this phenomenon will not only directly affect the teaching of high school biology, but also the quality of nine-year compulsory education cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, the current top priority is to take effective measures to stabilize the existing biological teacher team and effectively strengthen junior high school biology teaching. Regarding these situations, although we have seriously reflected the relevant leaders through various channels, we have not received sufficient attention. We also sent investigations to Biology Teaching, which was highly valued by the editorial department. In the 12th issue of Biology Teaching in 1993, we published the “Biology teaching situation in our county after the cancellation of the biology college entrance examination. “One article has also specifically added ”Editor’s note.“ We firmly seized this opportunity to make full use of the ”Biology Teaching" as a new program for college entrance examinations and not candidates. After the publication of the new plan, the county also made the decision to cancel the biology department in the middle school examination. The two new programs have been introduced one after another and have greatly dampened
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