Opportunistic ocular infections in AIDS

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:p348892993
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As the number of HIV infected patients is multiplying exponentially day by day so are the associated ocular complications.The increasing longevity of individuals with HIV disease has resulted in greater numbers of patients with ocular opportunistic infection.By the means of this article we describe various opportunistic ocular infections in AIDS and their clinical manifestations,discussed under four headings;1) adnexal manifestation; 2) anterior segment manifestation;3 ) posterior segment manifestation;4) neuro ophthalmic manifestation. Herpes zoster ophthalmicus,molluscum contagiosum and Kaposi sarcoma are common adnexal manifestations. Molluscum contagiosum being the commonest.Varicella Zoster Virus(VZV) and herpes simplex virus(HSV) most commonly cause infectious keratitis in HIV-positive patients.As compared to the immunocompetent individuals the frequency of bacterial and fungal keratitis is not more in HIV patients,but it tends to be more severe. Posterior segment structures involved in HIV-positive patients include the retina,choroid,and optic nerve head.The herpesvirus family is implicated most commonly in infections of the retina and choroid in HIV positive patients.CMV is the most common cause of retinitis and the commonest intraocular infection in AIDS. Atypical presentations resistance to conventional treatment and higher rate of recurrence make the diagnosis and therapeutic intervention more difficult and challenging.In addition,in one eye,several infections may occur at the same time,rendering the situation more difficult. As the number of HIV infected patients is multiplying exponentially day by day so are the associated ocular complications.The increasing longevity of individuals with HIV disease has resulted in greater numbers of patients with ocular opportunistic infection. By the way of this article we describe various opportunistic ocular infections in AIDS and their clinical manifestations, discussed under four headings; 1) adnexal manifestation; 2) anterior segment manifestation; 3) posterior segment manifestation; 4) neuro ophthalmic manifestation. Herpes zoster ophthalmicus, molluscum contagiosum and Kaposi sarcoma are common adnexal manifestations . Molluscum contagiosum being the commonest. Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) and herpes simplex virus (HSV) most commonly cause infectious keratitis in HIV-positive patients. As compared to the immunocompetent individuals the frequency of bacterial and fungal keratitis is not more in HIV patients , but it tends to be more severe. Posterior segment structures invo lved in HIV-positive patients include the retina, choroid, and optic nerve head. the herpesvirus family is implicated most commonly in infections of the retina and choroid in HIV positive patients. CMV is the most common cause of retinitis and the commonest intraocular infection in AIDS. Atypical presentations resistance to conventional treatment and higher rate of recurrence make the diagnosis and therapeutic intervention more difficult and challenging.In addition, in one eye, several infections may occur at the same time, rendering the situation more difficult.
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