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骨髓增生异常综合征(MDS)是造血干细胞异常克隆性疾病,表现为难治性血细胞质、量异常。本文收集了我院儿科血液组1990年1月~1998年2月诊断为MDS12例临床资料,现综合分析如下:1临床资料1.1一般资料12例中男7例,女5例,年龄2~13岁,平... Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) is an abnormal clonal disease of hematopoietic stem cells, showing refractory cytoplasm and abnormal quantity. This collection of our pediatric blood group from January 1990 to February 1998 was diagnosed as MDS 12 cases of clinical data are summarized as follows: 1 Clinical data 1.1 General Information 12 males and 7 females, 5 females, age 2 ~ 13 years old, flat ...
【正】 The First Session of the Eleventh National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference received a total of 4772 motions,of which
【正】 Amoxicillin is a typical penicillin variety.Its production is influenced by price trends of upstream industrial salt.The consumption of downstream for mu
对2例婴幼儿严重青紫型先心病采用右室肺动脉通道重建术手术姑息治疗,获得成功。现就该手术技术、适应症及特点进行讨论。临床资料 男,女各1例,年龄1312岁,与3612岁,体重8kg与
On March 12th,Clariant International Ltd.and Zhejiang Baihe Chemical Holding Group announced the expansion of the Hangzhou Baihe Clariant Pigments Co.Ltd
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Daqing Petrochemical Co.,Ltd.under Petro China Company Ltd.commenced construction on the1.2 million t/a ethylene expansion project on December 28th,2007.The RM
控制喘憋是治疗毛细支气管炎的关键。我们经临床实践认为激素治疗效果不甚理想。1996年12月以来,我们应用尼群地平治疗毛细支气管炎40例,疗效较满意。现报告如下。 1 临床资
大肠癌肿瘤内的间质血管作为肿瘤术后转移复发的指标 ,日益受到重视。为探讨间质血管的数量对大肠癌术后转移复发的诊断价值 ,1985~ 1996年 ,我们对大肠癌 2 4 2例进行了 5年