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1840年鸦片战争,揭开了中华民族近代历史的篇章。中国的近代历史,是饱受外国侵略、陷入半殖民地半封建状态的苦难历史,同时也是中国人民前仆后继进行反帝反封建斗争的觉醒历史。19世纪40年代至20世纪初的七八十年中,世界资本主义、帝国主义列强不断侵略中国,中华民族的爱国将士和广大民众,为挽救自己的国家,捍卫民族的独立,英勇顽强,百折不挠,用热血谱写了一部可歌可泣的中国近代反侵略斗争的历史。勇于反抗外来侵略,誓死保卫国家疆土,历来是中华民族精神中最为精粹最为光辉的内容之一。在近代反侵略历史中,这种爱国家卫社稷的传统精神,更得到了充分和极致的表现。中华民族这一时期的反侵略斗争虽历经百般磨难和挫折,但中国人民保家卫国的坚强意志始终未被征服,并为中华民族的彻底觉醒、自立于世界民族之林奠定了基础。本篇介绍的林则徐虎门销烟和冯予材边关破敌的英雄事迹,曾经极大地鼓舞中国人民反帝斗争的勇气和决心。 The Opium War of 1840 opened the chapter of the modern history of the Chinese nation. China’s modern history is a history of suffering suffered by foreign aggressors and plunged into a semi-colonial and semi-feudal state. It is also the awakening history of the Chinese people’s struggle against imperialism and anti-feudalism. In the seventies and eighties of the 1840s and early 20 th century, the world capitalist and imperialist powers constantly invaded China and the patriotic soldiers of the Chinese nation and the general public tried to save their own country, defend their independence, be brave and indomitable. , Wrote a epic history of the anti-aggression struggle in modern China by using blood novels. The courage to resist foreign aggression and vow to defend the country’s territory has always been one of the most glorious and quintessential aspects of the Chinese national spirit. In the history of anti-aggression in modern times, this traditional spirit of patriotic Guardian Sajik was even fuller and more extreme. Although the struggle against aggression in the Chinese nation has experienced all sorts of hardships and setbacks during this period, the strong will of the Chinese people to defend the country and keep the country has never been conquered and laid the foundation for the complete awakening of the Chinese nation and its independence from the world’s nations. This chapter introduces the heroic deeds of Lin Zexu, Hu Humen, and Feng Yu-kai, who have broken the enemy line and greatly encouraged the courage and determination of the Chinese people in their struggle against imperialism.
早上,班主任米老师带进来一位男生。  ……
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