The pace of literature and art

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  Literary contains cultural and art, it is a body, which is the crystallization of human civilization and history. The chairman Xi jinping mentioned in the literature and art symposium: " the literature and art is the horn of the progressive era, the most representative style of an era, the most that can lead the ethos of an era." Visible culture is the connotation of a country, and art is the most representative form of the country. People are participants and more initiative. They can practice from life to lead and create the life of literature and art, and maintain the harmony of social benefits and economic benefits, shouldering the continuous responsibility and mission of the Chinese literary, carrying forward the history of civilization, realizing the Chinese dream.
  Literature and art reflects people's life, the life practice is the only source of literature and art. In a world full of literature and art, people can feel it all the time. The difference of times has produced all kinds of differences between people's emotion of literature and art, and the artistic aesthetic or emotional pursuit of the people could be same in that era. Music is the main way to enrich people's lives and give them the hope of life. At that time, there are so many songs to be sung. Such as liu chang's "I love wuzhishan, I love wanquan river," shi guangnan's "hit the drum song", bo gengchen's "red star to fight" and so on. Literature and art are also the restoration and reproduction of the quicksand of the time, and its resrevation form is also aided by the development of time technology. Titanic was a foreign film released in China in 1998. It recorded a shipwreck in 1912; the hero lost his chances of survival in order to save his lover. The recognition of beauty and love are the same every age, but the choice is different. The film through a shipwreck at that time showed the best pure humanity side in front of the world, this is a refining for the art of reality, by grasping the mind identification, with a kind of art form to sublimation, and then shake the piece of pure land. Literary uses exaggeration, indirect way to reflect and extract the essence of life, and let the people experience again, let no experienced people cherish, following the footsteps of people across one and another era, listening to the feelings one and another. Qinhuai courtesan was one part of the social culture of China for one thousand years, it reappears in zhang yimou's "jinling thirteen women” again, the identification matches such a clever and puzzling name, which let people think twice. Qinhuai courtesans give the first impression that they are luxury; but in the movie they are full of men's blood. They would rather sacrifice themselves rather than betray their country. Because in Chinese history, women have always been inferior to men, let alone singers. Through the real story, the movie changes the point of view to let people realize that everyone has pain in their heart, and all of them are full of love. With the presence of some people awaking the inner conscience and distinguishing between good and evil. The footsteps of literature and art have never stopped, it constantly taps into the real of the history, and continues to inspire the soul of nation, making him a perennial continue, no matter how heavy the wind or rain is, they are always green.   With China's reform and opening up, China's literary and artistic creations have reached the new high tide, though there is a rich flower, it lacks a number of quality, the chairman of xi mentioned, "plateau" and "peak" is a very obvious phenomenon of the Chinese culture enterprise developing. Our country is a developing country, also a career peak country, there are so many literary works adapted into TV, film, and the productions are very high, only the vitality and works have an insight into people's hearts, can reach the "peak" phenomenon. China is an ancient civilization country for thousands of years, "literature and art can't be slaves to the market, not covered with bad smell" of copper, this is the general secretary's warning, we must remember the purpose of the literature and art, that is the service of human culture, under the premise, and then seek high social value, insisting on the unity of the social and economic benefits, making good bedding for "peak".
  Literature and art is a kind of historical civilization and cultural arts, people are the subject of history, also the participants and creators of literature and art, emotional communication creates literature and art, literature and art is the vitality of a nation, which has the ability to create value and regeneration.
  作者簡介:李思骋, 女, 汉族, 籍贯:浙江,齐鲁工业大学艺术学院,15级在读研究生,硕士学位,专业:展示设计研究方向。
【摘 要】一个国家和民族之所以能够繁荣昌盛的发展,是因为这个民族的群众文化,群众文化为构建社会主义和谐社会做出了巨大的贡献。群众文化中,包括了极为广泛的内容,改变和丰富了人民群众的业余生活,在人民群众中得到了良好的响应,同时,群众文化还具有很大的文化价值,因此,我们要鼓励人民群众开展群众文化,并加以教育和辅导,从而提高群众文化活动质量。  【关键词】群众;文化;艺术;教育  在我国的文化社会中,群
【摘 要】笔者依据实际工作经验及相关文献资料的记载,分析怎样在小学美术教育过程中,去对学生的创新能力以及实践能力进行培养,希望可以在日后相关工作人员对这个问题进行分析的时候,起到一定借鉴性作用,最终在我国社会经济发展过程中,做出一定贡献。  【关键词】美术教育;学生;创新意识;实践能力;培养  一、逐步激发学生美术学习兴趣  在小学美术教学工作进行的过程中,如果想要为学生培养出来美术学习兴趣,教师
【摘 要】在巴金的小说中,他塑造了各种人物形象。本文认为在巴金的小说中主要塑造了几种人物形象,其中包括信仰者、处于新旧时代的交替者等。这些人物有各自的特征,他们成为了中国现代文学史上绝无仅有的形象。通过对这些人物形象的分析,我们能够感受到巴金对国家命运的关怀,感受到作为知识分子应有的知识分子精神。  【关键词】巴金;小说;人物形象  一、面对信仰的人  每个作家都有一定的信仰,巴金也不例外。在年轻
【摘 要】笔者依据学习世界历史、法国历史以及相关文献资料的记载,分析了不同时期下法国文学的类别以及介绍了一些法国文坛中做出重大贡献的作家和他们的作品。  【关键词】中世纪文学;文艺复兴;古典主义;文学流派  法国文学经历了一千多年的时间,不仅历史发展久远而且博采众长。法国文学反映了法国人民对文学的向往和追求,对现实社会的态度。他就像一面镜子,照应出不同时期法国历史背景对文学的深刻影响。  法国文学
【摘 要】藏族舞蹈是十分独特的,其发力点大都集中在膝关节处,其中屈伸和颤动在藏族舞蹈中是极为核心的动律,通过这两个核心动律所形成的各种动作,使得藏族舞蹈极具魅力。本文通过个案研究法,以《母亲》为例,将实际与文献资料相结合,分析藏族的动律特征在舞蹈作品中的语言创作中体现。  【关键词】动律;情感体现;舞蹈创作;《母亲》  舞蹈的本质是一种由肢体动作组合而成的艺术,作为舞蹈艺术的赞题,舞蹈者的每一个身